
英 [brɪmz] 美 [brɪmz]

n.  (杯、碗等的)口,边沿; 帽檐; 有…边的
v.  (使)满,盛满


  1. N-COUNT (帽)檐
    The brim of a hat is the wide part that sticks outwards at the bottom.
    1. Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap.
    2. ...a flat black hat with a wide brim.
  2. VERB 充满;充溢
    If someone or something is brimming with a particular quality, they are full of that quality.
    1. England are brimming with confidence after two straight wins in the tournament.
    2. Brim over means the same as brim .
      brim over同brim
    3. I noticed Dorabella was brimming over with excitement...
    4. Her heart brimmed over with love and adoration for Charles.
  3. VERB 充满,充盈(泪水)
    When your eyes are brimming with tears, they are full of fluid because you are upset, although you are not actually crying.
    1. Michael looked at him imploringly, eyes brimming with tears.
    2. Brim over means the same as brim .
      brim over同brim
    3. When she saw me, her eyes brimmed over with tears and she could not speak.
  4. VERB 装满;充满
    If something brims with particular things, it is packed full of them.
    1. The flowerbeds brim with a mixture of lilies and roses.
  5. PHRASE (尤指容器)盛满,装满
    If something, especially a container, is filled to the brim or full to the brim with something, it is filled right up to the top.
    1. Richard filled her glass right up to the brim...
    2. The toilet was full to the brim with insects.
  6. PHRASE 充满,洋溢(某种感情)
    If you are full to the brim with a particular emotion, you feel that emotion so strongly that it is stronger than all other emotions.
    1. Her heart beat so fast and she was full to the brim with joy.


  1. Class Warfare brims with them.
  2. At first, your mind brims with ideas and possibilities.
  3. Much of the rest of Asia brims with confidence that its time has come, present savage recessions notwithstanding.
  4. This month brims with surprising events, some you could have never imagined happening, not in a million years.
  5. Felt hood simply blocked to shape or with made brims
  6. Tschaikovsky's music brims with a warm humanity and stirring drama.
  7. Felt hood neither blocked to shape nor with made brims Felt side: Top side of paper formed on a paper-making machine.
  8. Each piece of music brims with a passion for a special subject matter-beer.
  9. The Ningxia natural scenery is too beautiful to behold, the common social practice is simple, everywhere brims with is uniting advances boldly, the spirited upward spiritual outlook.
  10. Annie: The flag of the Olympic Games is also white without brims. The difference is that in its middle are five rings.
  11. Hat-shapes, plaited or made by assembling strips, neither blocked to shape, nor with made brims, nor lined, nor trimmed, of other materials.
  12. But who can resist this person who brims with confidence and personality?
  13. A scarf or band of fabric worn around the neck as a tie. hat shape, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material, neither blocked to shape nor made with brims, unlined, untrimmed
  14. Hood of fur felt, neither blocked to shape nor with made brims Stepping into the porch he doffed his hat, took the card from his pocket and tucked it again behind the leather headband.
  15. Hat shape, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material, neither blocked to shape nor made with brims, unlined, untrimmed hose-piping of textile materials with or without lining, armour or accessories of other materials
  16. Hat shape, obtained by sewing strips of any material into spirals, neither blocked to shape nor with made brims, unlined, untrimmed
  17. Background clutters, such as the sea-horizon, brims of clouds and ocean waves, cause high false alarm to detect dim-point targets by normal algorithms.
  18. Creation is the objectificational activity of human's essence, which comes from human's free will and brims with thoughts and actions.