Fans of Penny, get ready to walk the brokenhearted road! 潘小花的粉丝们要伤心了!
May God bless the memory of the victims and, in the words of Scripture, heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. 借用圣经中的话,愿上帝保佑受难者的记忆,抚慰心碎者,助他们疗伤。
He seemed quite brokenhearted, and even cried a little. 他似乎痛心疾首,甚至还伤心落泪。
For some reason, when I looked at those pans and cans, I felt brokenhearted. 不知道为什么,当我看着那些盘子和罐头时,我肉痛欲碎。
You help me brokenhearted, spells always loves your tablet. 迩成全我的心碎、拼成永世爱迩的碑。
Mary stands by the cross, not only brokenhearted, watching her son tortured and tormented, but no doubt confused, bereaved, and bewildered. 马利亚站在十字架旁边,眼看着自己的儿子遭受折磨和痛苦,不单使她心碎,也感到迷惘,不知所措。
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted. 差遣我医好伤心的人。
You how so in poor fettle? Brokenhearted. 你怎么这么无精打采?失恋啦。
He is determined to save the kingdom from the gloom that has left the king brokenhearted. 他下定决心要把王国从令国王心碎的黑暗势力中拯救出来。
One personal brokenhearted time, the songs hear all are comfort you to is brokenhearted! 一个人失恋的时候,所听到的歌都是在安慰你失恋的!
He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds. 诗147:3他医好伤心的人、裹好他们的伤处。
Like some pathetic, brokenhearted little bitch. 好象我是个可怜而伤心的小女人。
Hope brokenhearted friends find missing self, finding true love of friends to cherish, don't let the heartache that you love them. 希望失恋的朋友找回遗失的自我,找到真爱的朋友学会珍惜,不要让心伤使你爱的人流泪。
Leonard: Your old Tuesday hamburger will be so brokenhearted. 原来的周二汉堡会很伤心的。
To guide college students to set up correct love, also should first of all to lead them to know the essence of love, and at the same time to lead them to treat correctly brokenhearted. 要引导大学生树立正确爱情观,也应首先引导其正确认识爱情的本质,同时要引导他们正确对待失恋。