Parts of Glasgow are on a par with the worst areas of London and Liverpool for burglaries. 格拉斯哥部分地区的入室盗窃案与伦敦、利物浦最乱的地区一样猖狂。
The police might want you to go over some pictures of known criminals and records of old burglaries with them. 警察可能要你去看一些照片,是关于正在通缉的嫌犯和一些过去有行窃记录的人。
London's Metropolitan police regularly send bunches to victims of burglaries. 伦敦都会区警察局经常给盗窃案的受害者送花束。
POLICE are sending bouquets of flowers to victims of burglaries and muggings-crimes they often have difficulty solving. 伦敦警方正在给那些盗窃和抢劫案的受害者送花束&盗窃和抢劫经常难以破案。
By comparing notes, a remarkable similarity in the methods of the burglaries was noticed. 经过对案情的比较,发现盗窃手法十分相似。
The boys bragged that they had committed several burglaries. 那些男孩夸口说他们曾几次成功行窃。
There have been many more burglaries this year. 今年盗窃案比过去多好些。
In this case, O'Connor wrote, the long sentence could be justified because of the criminal's "long history of recidivism", which included three burglaries and a robbery. 奥康纳尔写道,这个案子中给予长期监禁的判处是站得住脚的,因为犯人有“屡次犯罪的长期历史”,包括3次行窃和1次抢劫。
The police recovered the store owner's merchandise and say they are looking for Jeffrey burton, who they have named as a suspect in all six burglaries. 警方追回店主的商品并说他们正在寻找在6宗盗窃案中他们所指定的犯罪嫌疑人杰弗里伯顿。
Despite everything, a lot of burglaries are still carried out via the front door. 不管怎样,许多入室盗窃行为都是经由前门进行的。
They bought a dog to prevent any burglaries. 他们买了条狗以防盗贼。
Police are investigating a spate of burglaries in the area. 警察正在调查这一地区发生的大量盗窃案。
The number of burglaries in the area seems to be on the increase. 这一地区的入室盗窃案似乎有增无己。
A number of burglaries have been commited in this area recently 这一带最近发生了若干起入户盗窃案
Burglaries went up a similar amount. 人室行窃也呈现了相似幅度的增长。
China and the U.S. are very close in size. Burglaries went up a similar amount. 中国和美国在幅员上非常相近。人室行窃也呈现了相似幅度的增长。
Daring burglaries by armed men, and highway robberies, took place in the capital itself every night; 武装歹徒胆大包天的破门抢劫和拦路翦径在京畿重地每天晚上出现。
When all the cases were compared, a striking similarity in the methods of burglaries was noticed. 在比较了所有的案件之后,普莱斯侦探发现盗窃手法如出一辙。
The latest crime figures show a sharp rise in burglaries over the past year. 最近的犯罪数字表明,去年的撬窃案急剧增加。
An adviser about alarm systems to prevent burglaries. 关于防窃的警报系统的顾问。
Local police are investigating a rash of burglaries in the area. 当地警察正在调查发生在该地区的多起入室盗窃案。
Be careful, it's loaded. we've had burglaries. 当心,装了子弹,这里被盗过。
Angry residents of an English village blocked the driver of a Google Street View car who was filming the neighbourhood, saying they feared he would encourage burglaries a report said. 据报道,一辆谷歌街道视图拍摄车在英国一个村子附近取景时,其驾驶员遭到愤怒的当地居民围堵,居民们称担心此举会助长入室盗窃。
With the decrease in killing has come a marked reduction in enthusiasm for other crime, such as burglaries, robberies and shootings. 随着杀人率的降低,其他犯罪如盗窃、抢劫和枪击案的狂热也明显低落了。
It is suggestive that during the last three years there have been four considerable burglaries in the West Country, for none of which was any criminal ever arrested. 据说在过去三年里,西部曾发生过四次大盗窃案,可是没有一件捉到了罪犯。
Last year the number of burglaries reported in the city increased by7%. 据报道去年该市的入室盗窃案增长了7%。
Were planning some burglaries to be able to pay the rent. 打算入室行窃,来付房租。
Laptops, tablets and other home computers were stolen in nearly two fifths of domestic burglaries. 偷笔记本、平板和其他家庭电脑占了入室盗窃案近五分之二。