
n.  装载量,载重量, 荷重; 净登记吨位
v.  使负重担;累



  1. With a sharp increase in the total of Internet users, a single telecom device is incapable to take the burthen of enormous tasks in hand.
  2. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can minish burthen of tumor and lower the clinical stage, and increase resection rate of cancer.
  3. Three helping one another, bear the burthen of six.
  4. His yoke is easy, and his burthen is light.
  5. The ground bore evidence of some heavy burthen having been dragged along it.
  6. Nor bear the burthen of thy griefs alone;
  7. My tongue cannot unload my heart's great burthen.
  8. Study on the family function and burthen for in-patient with esophagus cancer and its nursing intervention
  9. With a proper combination of the ability of heat store and the time of switch cycle and the burthen of the kiln we can made more regenerative energy saving.
  10. Through analysis of the characteristic, conventional algorithm is improved, and deviation of system is controlled under normal burthen, settlement scheme is put forward.
  11. Moreover, big burthen training can be reached on training low.
  12. The model has the characteristic of distribution, self-adapted and light burthen.
  13. Aiming at the non-linear characteristics of logistics system, this paper presented and established artificial neutral network model to simulate the history data of logistics system, and drew out to approach the burthen curve to forecast logistics.
  14. In the routine treatment, it must be treated with the wastewater of lower concentration discharged from other procedures, which not only may increase the organic burthen, but also lose the plentiful nutrition of the water.
  15. To resolve AGC problem perfectly, the base is unit burthen control. The famous coordination control scheme-direct energy balance ( DEB) method-is still the focus of the thermal power plant control domain.
  16. To make the production burthen in condensed mode operation attains a 170% of the design capacity, we must reform the exhausting system of the row and gas, increasing these two systems ability.
  17. The solution should focus on the equipment of the network center. VLAN technology takes great effect in solving unauthorized log-on, distributing network resource reasonably, balancing net burthen, reducing network broadcast information.
  18. Actually, just in short time can refrigeration systems work in the biggest burthen.
  19. The burnout of police mainly come from work environment, work burthen, work fatalness, and social support.
  20. Distributed control system ( DCS), with the characteristic of centralization of its management and the distribution of its functions, burthen and malfunction, is used widely in the process of modern industry, and become one of the most active branch.
  21. And the capacities of compressor could be selected by on-off switch along with the change of burthen of evaporator, which is a main characteristic of the central refrigeration system model.
  22. The quality of designing the thermo burthen system affects overall endurance, reliability, economy and workability of vehicles directly.
  23. Boiler is the heat equipment in common use best of all, which can supply qualified steam for the requirement of steam quantity adapting to burthen.
  24. The value burthen of technology;
  25. Whether using training modes and arrange athletics burthen with rationalization has connection with whether a athlete can grow up to a good athlete and how long his sport career will be.
  26. Its control system which undertake the task of modulating the rotate speed and burthen and the task of controlling the work condition directly influence the security, reliability, economy and the automation degree of the machine.
  27. These data increase the transmission burthen of broadband, and increase the cost of storaging XML data, resulting in an unnecessary waste of storage space.
  28. This paper also analyzed the maximum burthen of rollers or balls in overloaded rolling bearings and stuck load.
  29. With the energy analysis and material flow analysis in DDZ as the research contents, the results of analyzing all indicators show that the environmental burthen in DDZ is relative high, Eco-efficiency relative low, the ability of sustainable development relative weak, and the ecological level elementary.



  1. a variant of `burden'


    1. weight down with a load

        Synonym:    burdenweightweight down