In the relentless busyness of modern life, we have lost the rhythym between action and rest. 在这个无情、繁忙的现代生活中,我们已经在工作和休息之间失去了平衡。
This busyness can be a real problem. In fact, many companies mistake busyness with productivity. 这种忙碌才是真正的问题,实际上,许多公司都在效率上有一定的问题。
We respect busyness. 我们尊重忙碌。
Disconnect from all of the busyness and reconnect with what brings you the most nourishment. 和所有的繁忙断开连接,和能带给你营养的事物重新联系。
In English, there are many idiomatic expressions to express this busyness. 英语中有很多习惯用语用于表达这种繁忙。
Stop the busyness and really enjoy whats important to you. 停下忙碌的步伐,真正地享受对你来说重要的事情。
We have all admitted to being busyness addicts, and we may even start a support group! 我们都觉着自己是忙碌成瘾者我们甚至可能会启动一个互相支持小组!
That feeling of busyness& of having a lot to do and too little time in which to do itis often associated with stress and anxiety. 忙碌的感觉&有很多的事情要做,却没有多少时间的感觉经常带来压力与焦虑。
Among individuals in a society, busyness or the feeling of busyness seems to be an important factor in well-being. 对社会中的个体来说,忙碌或者感觉忙碌似乎是影响状态的重要因素。
You get caught up in the busyness of the day-to-day. 你每天都忙忙碌碌的。
I wanted it to be an atmosphere of just intense visual, chromatic, busyness and liveliness, he said. 我希望它形成一种氛围,非常视觉化、五光十色,有繁忙和生机勃勃的感觉,他说。
Even if you already find what matters to you, the busyness of life can obscure it. 即使已经弄清楚什么事情该放在首位,但生活的繁忙会使你忽略这点。
However, in our hurry and busyness to do things for God, we could end up neglecting our love relationship with Him. 可是,若我们繁忙、忙碌地为神作工,那就很容易本末倒置,忽略了自己与神的关系。
I bet folks who are half my age are going to have no such problems and probably would appreciate busyness. 我敢打赌,那些比我年纪小一半的用户将会遇到这些麻烦,然后很有可能很喜欢这种忙碌。
Busyness is the microscope with which we can see the disease of our selfishness and sin. 忙碌只是一个显微镜,让我们看到自己身上自私和罪的蔓延。
The busyness that husband is as usual, the day is as usual continuous! 老公依旧的繁忙着,日子依旧的继续的!
Today, however, dad would say no more, and, caught UPS in the busyness of our new life, I eventually forgot about his surprise. 不过今天爸爸却不愿多说什么,况且我们新生活的还有千头万绪要理,结果我也就忘了他的什么惊喜了。
You may find you accomplish more today when you curb your busyness by focusing primarily on those duties that are in some fashion significant. 今天通过减少忙碌,并将注意力放在那些真正重要的任务上,你也许会发现你完成了更多的东西。
Busyness in the King's business is no excuse for neglecting the King. 在王的事上,不能把忙碌当成忽视王的借口。
In the busyness of each day keep our eyes fixed on what is real and important in life and help us to be generous with our time and love and energy. 在繁忙的每一天里,让我们把目光投向生命中真实和重要的东西,帮助我们无私地献出我们的时间、爱和能量。
Anyhow, the busyness makes me happy, as long as I indulge myself in doing my work, the depress will fade away. 无论如何,这种忙碌的感觉让我快乐,只要我沉醉在工作中,所有的抑郁都会一扫而光。
If you are busy, then busyness is the meditation, she tells us. 如果你忙,那么工作就是禅修。
Have grow up in a rural area, she is not used to the busyness of big city. 因为在乡村长大,她不习惯大城市的繁忙。
Reading this was the moment when I knew for sure that busyness isn't such a huge problem after all and that a lot of sentimental tosh is talked about it. 正是读这本书的时候,我意识到,忙碌终究不是一个了不得的大问题,尽管围绕着它已经有许多感伤的废话。
According to Dr Hallowell this busyness thing is endemic. 哈洛韦尔医生表示,忙碌这种东西是一种常见病。
In the stillness and silence of meditation, we glimpse and return to that deep inner nature that we have so long ago lost sight of amid the busyness and distraction of our minds. 在禅修的静寂中,我们可以瞥见并回归到深刻的内在自性。那份自性是我们在心的散乱与繁忙中许久未见的。
He would say that she was an addict facing withdrawal symptoms: that our busyness makes us hamsters on a wheel and when we climb off the wheel we are useless, giddy and hopeless. 他可能会说,她是一个面临戒断症的上瘾者:我们繁忙的生活,使我们如同踩着轮子的仓鼠,当我们从轮子上爬下来时,我们会觉得一无是处,头晕眼花,并且绝望无助。
My busyness may not be the thing that is about to push me over the edge. It may be the thing that keeps me sane. 我的忙碌或许不会使我精神崩溃,或许是它让我保持心智健全。
I always thought senior life should be very idle and free, but it turned out to be incorrect for busyness had haunted me for an entire week. 原以为到大四了会很清闲很自由,但一个星期的忙碌证明事实并不是如此。
Research purposes: The increasing busyness of urban traffic can be fundamentally solved by the urban rail transit. 研究目的:城轨交通能从根本上解决城市交通日益繁忙的问题,已达成各界人士的共视。