n. 日历; 挂历; 日程表; 记事本; (一年之中的)重大事件(或重要日期)一览表 calendar的复数
N-COUNT 日历;月历 A calendar is a chart or device which displays the date and the day of the week, and often the whole of a particular year divided up into months, weeks, and days.
There was a calendar on the wall above, with large squares around the dates. 上面的墙上挂着日历,日期上画着大大的方框。
N-COUNT 历法 A calendar is a particular system for dividing time into periods such as years, months, and weeks, often starting from a particular point in history.
The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans. 公历最初是以罗马人的儒略历为基础制定的。
N-COUNT (某一组织、团体或个人的)日程表,纪事表,大事一览表 You can use calendar to refer to a series or list of events and activities which take place on particular dates, and which are important for a particular organization, community, or person.
It is one of the British sporting calendar's most prestigious events... 这是英国体坛大事表上最负盛名的赛事之一。
Franklin joined her and the children whenever his crowded calendar allowed... 只要能从百忙之中抽出空,富兰克林就会陪在妻儿身边。
They tried to make a calendar of Spain's festivals. 他们打算做个西班牙节日活动一览表。
Wizards and templates can help you create brochures, calendars, and Web pages. 向导程序和模板可以帮助你创建手册、日历和网页。
Today we continue our discussion of school calendars as a new American school year begins. 今天我们继续讨论我们的学校行事历作为一个新的美国学校的一年开始。
You can select check boxes to remove and add specific calendars. 可以通过选择复选框来移除和添加特定的日程表。
You'll use JSON and Ajax again but this time to enable calendars and tag-clouds. 您将再次使用JSON和Ajax,??过这次是启用日程表和标志云。
It consists of charts, animations, hierarchical trees, calendars, menus, and other elements. 它包含图表、动画、层级树、日历、菜单和其他元素。
Once logged in, users can switch between day, month, and year views of their calendars ( calendar views). 登录之后,用户可以在其日历(日历视图)的日、月和年视图之间切换。
Visions of calendars and appointment books immediately pop into your mind. 您的脑海中会立即浮现出日历和约会本的图像。
Calendars about sports and about movies. 关于运动和电影的日历。
Calendars have become popular gifts because many are filled with beautiful pictures. 日历已经成为一种流行的礼物,因为许多日历都印有许多漂亮的图片。
Most calendars have a reminder function. 大部分的日历都有提醒功能。
You can even learn from calendars. 你甚至可以从日历中学到东西。
And everyday tools such as videoconferencing, shared calendars, regular email and instant messaging help bosses track progress. 此外,视频会议、共享日程表、常规性电子邮件和即时消息等此类日常工具也能帮助管理者了解员工的工作进度。
These calendars are distinct from the calendar view, which shows the project schedule in a calendar format. 这些日历与“日历”视图不同,后者以日历格式显示项目日程。
Users could shop some of the Ovi Store and check their calendars, contacts and e-mail. 用户可以使用这款浏览器在OviStore网店上购物,还可以编制和读取日历,联系人列表和电子邮件。
Wizards for doing batch conversions and creating legal pleadings, agendas, and calendars. 用于进行成批转换和创建诉状、议程和日历的向导。
If all the clocks and calendars vanished, children would still know when Sunday came. 即便时钟和日历都消失了,孩子们那时仍然知道星期天到了。
The calendars reminded me of why. 这些月历提醒了我之所以坚持这样做的原因。
You can open a second calendar in a new window and display up to30 calendars in side-by-side view. 可以在新窗口中打开第二个日历,并且可以在并排视图中最多显示30个日历。
"If you have your contacts and calendars on, you might want to lock your screen". 如果这玩意里记录了你的联络人和行事历,你应该会想锁住它的。
If you choose a calendar group, all the event and to do information from the calendars in the group is merged and published in one calendar. 如果您选取的是一个日历组,则组中的所有事件和待办事项信息合并到一个日历中发布。
Most Americans live in time segments by engagement calendars. 多数美国人在日程表上写满了约会,把时间分成一段一段的。
This date is based on the duration, calendars, and constraints of predecessor and successor tasks. 此日期以前置任务和后续任务的工期、日历和限制为基础。
You can quickly schedule a meeting with other people whose calendars you are viewing. 可以快速与您正在查看其日历的人安排会议。
Tasks are scheduled only according to the resource calendars or the project calendar. 任务仅根据“资源日历”或“项目日历”进行计划。
How do assignment units and calendars affect the schedule? 工作分配单位和日历如何影响日程排定?
Document libraries, discussion boards, calendars, and announcements can be enabled to receive new postings via e-mail. 可以启用文档库、讨论板、日历和通知,以便能够通过电子邮件接收新张贴的内容。
These option settings have no effect on the working and nonworking times of calendars. 这些选项设置不影响日历的工作时间和非工作时间。
The priests also used mathematics and astronomy to develop two kinds of calendars. 祭司也使用数学和天文学去发展两种历法。
Some of us want it all and fill up our calendars with activities and obligations. 我们中的一些人妄图得到一切,用活动和职责来填满我们的日历。