大卡,千卡(测量食物含热量的单位) a unit for measuring how much energy food will produce
No sugar for me, thanks─I'm counting my calories . 我不要糖,谢谢。我在控制摄取的热量。
a low-calorie drink/diet 低热量的饮料 / 饮食
卡,卡路里(热量单位,或一克水升高1摄氏度时所需要的热量) a unit for measuring a quantity of heat; the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of a gram of water by one degree Celsius
A glass or two of wine will not significantly add to the calorie count 喝一两杯葡萄酒不会增加多少热量。
Nutritionists say only 33% of our calorie intake should be from fat. 营养学家说我们所摄入的卡路里中只应有33%来自脂肪。
There seems to be little difference whether you eat all your calorie allowance in one go, or spread it over the day 不管你是一次性摄入全天的卡路里限量,还是在一天内分次摄入,结果好像没有多大差别。
One chocolate bar like this is equal to a large meal in calorie intake. 从摄入的热量来说,一块这样的巧克力相当于一顿饱餐。
But studies suggest that if you cut calorie consumption too drastically, your body counteracts the effect of dieting. 但研究结果显示,如果你的卡路里消耗量太过剧烈,你的身体会抵消掉节食的效果。
You should see a preview showing your image and the calorie count. 您可以看到一个显示图像和卡路里数的预览视图。
Higher prices were also associated with lower total calorie intake, lower body weight and improved insulin resistance. 这一举措同样导致卡路里摄取量的普遍下降,体重减轻,提高了胰岛素的抵抗性。
Replace butter, vegetable oil, and zero calorie cooking sprays with olive oil. 用橄榄油来替代黄油、菜油和零卡路里的烹饪喷雾。
Ursolic acid ups muscle and brown fat, which boosts calorie burning, says lead researcher Christopher Adams, MD. 乌索酸能够增强肌肉和提高褐色脂肪,促进卡路里燃烧医务部领先研究者克里斯多夫·亚当斯这样说。
It's always hard for me to maintain a balance between calorie intake and expenditure. 很难保持卡路里摄入和消耗的平衡。
When served an18-ounce soda, total calorie intake increased by10 percent for women and26 percent for men. 当供给18盎司的苏打时,女性和男性的卡路里摄分别增加里10%和26%。
The diet imposes overall calorie limits, but daily menus are arbitrary. 食谱规定了总的热量限制,但每天的菜单可据喜好自定。
On top of that, it is calorie and carbohydrate free. 再加上它是免费的热量和碳水化合物。
They also want compulsory labeling of the calorie content of restaurant menus. 他们还希望强制餐馆在菜单上标明食品的热量。
This will help you to not go hungry and still lower your calorie intake. 这会帮助你消除饥饿感,并且减低卡路里的摄入量。
We should reduce the intake of fat, sugar and calorie so that we can enjoy a healthier life. 为了使我们生活得更健康,我们应该减少脂肪,糖分和卡路里的摄入。
Don't forget to count your snacks as part of your total calorie intake. 不要忘记也把你小吃的热量计算进你的总热量摄取值内。
Calorie consumption during and after exercise. 运动时及运动后的卡路里消耗资料。
This sesame paste improves your Breakfast By its special taste and proper calorie value. 本芝麻糊以独特的口味,恰当的热量,为您的早餐增色。
Clearly, high calorie fast food has become a problem. 显然,高热量快餐成了问题。
They compared their results to the calorie content information provided to the public by the restaurants and food companies. 他们将所获得的结果与这些餐馆与食品公司所公布的信息进行了对比。
In this example, 3000 calories is what's known as a calorie maintenance level. 在这个例子中,3000卡热量是所谓的热量维持原有水平。
It has a lot of nutrition, but the calorie is low. 他有很多的营养,但热量却很低。
Burdock is well recognized as a health food because it has low calorie content and a high fiber intake. 牛蒡是公认的健康食品,因为它的内容和低热量高纤维的摄入量。
Then it should also be clear about how much of the recommended daily calorie intake that product contains. 那么这家公司应该清楚地说明这种产品含有多少日摄取热量。
No diet, sugar free, or calorie free drinks. 非节食型、不含糖或无卡路里的饮料。
Eating a low-fat, low calorie diet Strategies included restricting certain foods, limiting quantities, counting calories or fat grams, using a liquid or exchange diet. 进食低脂肪、低热量的总食物策略,包括限制某些食物、限制总入量、对热卡和脂肪克数记数、进食液体或代替品。
The public outcries about empty calorie and junk foods have been loud and frequent. 公众关于无热量和垃圾食品的抗议声已经很强烈,也很频繁。
Drinking water before a meal can reduce calorie intake, though the effect seems most prominent in older people. 饭前喝水可以减少热量的摄取,而效果最突出的似乎是老年人。
Confusing "heart-healthy fat" or "fat free" with low calorie. 以为“利于心脏的脂肪”和“无脂肪”就等同于低热量。