Make an infusion by boiling and simmering the rhubarb and camomile together 将大黄和甘菊一起煮沸再用文火炖,熬成汤药。
Camomile has long been used as a remedy for teething babies. 春黄菊长期以来一直用作减轻婴儿出牙时的不适的药物。
It was almost dark in the room, and very hot, while the air was heavy with the mingled, scent of mint, eau-de-cologne, camomile, and Hoffman's pastilles. 我当时痛苦万分,但是不由地注意到一切细节。房间里几乎是昏暗的,很热,充满混杂着薄荷、香水、苦菊和赫夫曼药水的气味。
Opt for decaffeinated coffee, camomile tea, or warm milk. 选择不含***的咖啡、黄春菊花茶或者热牛奶。
Him His mother put him to bed, and made some camomile tea; and she gave a dose of it to Peter! 兔子妈妈把他抱上了床,然后煮了一些甘菊茶,原来这是她给彼得煮的药!
I think I'll get some camomile to help you relax. 我去拿些甘菊让你镇静一下。
Here, tight-bound muslin sacks of lavender, Camomile, calendula and Melissa are used to massage the golden oils into the skin. 接下来,再用紧裹薰衣草、甘菊、金盏草与蜜蜂花的细布袋来回按摩皮肤,让金油沁入肌肤。
This tea is blended by mixing camomile with pekoe. 这种茶是由春菊和白毫掺和制成的。
Our trade in Camomile oil and water helps support small farmers. 我们购买的甘菊油,可帮助小本经营的农民。