
英 [ˈkærəvænz] 美 [ˈkærəˌvænz]

n.  旅行拖车,宿营拖车(无发动机,由其他车拖动,多供度假时住宿用); (供居住用的)有篷马车,大篷车; (尤指穿越沙漠的)旅行队,车队


  1. 旅行拖车;大篷车;房车
    A caravan is a vehicle without an engine that can be pulled by a car or van. It contains beds and cooking equipment so that people can live or spend their holidays in it.
    1. in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 trailer

    2. N-COUNT (带着牲口的一群人结伴而行的)旅行队;车队
      A caravan is a group of people and animals or vehicles who travel together.
      1. ...the old caravan routes from Central Asia to China.


    1. Many caravans are let by private individuals through adverts in papers or shop windows.
    2. Old-fashioned Gypsy caravans are painted wooden vehicles that are pulled by horses.
    3. He was amazed that in the caravans there was a beautiful parrot in a golden cage, continually repeating Freedom!
    4. A man, a great man, a fighter for freedom was traveling in the mountains. He stayed in a caravans for the night.
    5. "Camping commuters" are pitching their tents or parking their caravans from monday to friday and retreating to more permanent homes at the weekends.
    6. In the park, nomads were coming down from the summer pastures each day with camel caravans.
    7. We would hear their caravans approaching our neighborhood, the mewling of their sheep, the "baaing" of their goats, the jingle of bells around their camels'necks.
    8. PORTA-BLU CONCENTRATE is a newly developed formulation specially for used in portable toilets of buses, camping cars, caravans, trains, aircrafts and marine holding tanks.
    9. Infelicitous circumstances; unhappy caravans, straggling afoot through swamps and canebrakes-American Guide Series.
    10. Non-motor vehicles and caravans entering or leaving the country shall submit to inspection by the Frontier Inspection Station.
    11. As caravans made their way westward, Buddhist travelers would stop at the holy shrines carved into a mountainside.
    12. The Gipsy traveled in caravans.
    13. Two of the Caravans were financed by the leasing division of AVIC, China's primary aviation organization.
    14. Actually, it was many smaller caravans traveling together to protect themselves against bandits.
    15. In the past, when caravans had come to the whatnot tree, the people had eaten its poisonous fruits and died in their sleep during the night.
    16. Both the people and animals in the caravans could rest and refresh themselves at each hotel before continuing on long journeys.
    17. He stayed in a caravans ① for the night.
    18. Old-fashioned gypsy caravans are painted wooden vehicles.
    19. Not far from it is the old suspension bridge over the river, formerly busy with caravans on the Southern Silk Route to Burma and India.
    20. Translate the following sentence into Chinese,' The city was the last stop for the caravans on the Silk Road before all those silks and spices went by water to Europe.
    21. He's in charge of maintaining and setting up our caravans.
    22. The modern version is not an attempt to mirror the old Silk Road, which was itself a series of roads and trails along which caravans carried China's and central Asia's silks by camel towards medieval Europe.
    23. But my greatest understanding of Brazil came from direct contact with its people through the "caravans of citizenship" that took me across tens of thousands of kilometres.
    24. The building dates back to the1820's; a time when horse caravans passed through the city full of traders selling their goods along the ancient Tea and Horse Road.
    25. But at one time there were cities along this route, perhaps exacting a toll from the passing caravans and profiting from the trade of provisions and services.
    26. The hotel is located in Lijiang Horse and Tea Caravans Hua Ma Tourism Culture Street, surrounded by all kinds of recreation, leisure, catering, shopping.
    27. My friends call me penelope, and let's just say those slavers don't take too kindly to people disrupting their caravans.
    28. I notice that halfway through every party, Tim always pairs off with Penny. Actually, it was many smaller caravans traveling together to protect themselves against bandits.
    29. While the clear stream under the bridge ran dry in the time of the horse caravans, the soul of the bridge has been lost as well.