She'll let her two daughters have first pick of the cast-offs and then will give the rest to charities. 她会让自己的两个女儿先从她不要的衣服里挑出她们想要的,济南翻译公司然后把剩下的捐给慈善机构。
The club membership has been using industrial cast-offs. 俱乐部成员一直在使用工业废弃物。
She was sick of wearing her elder sister's cast-offs. 她讨厌再穿她姐姐穿过的旧衣服。
Migrant workers go door to door like rag men, buying up the cast-offs of Shanghai's conspicuous consumption, designer water bottles and flat screen television boxes which would otherwise clog up the city's landfills. 民工们像废品回收商一样,逐门逐户地收购上海炫耀性消费的废弃物、高级矿泉水的瓶子和平板电视的包装箱&如果没有他们,这些废弃物将堆满上海的垃圾填埋场。
You don't think someone will buy someone else's cast-offs. 你根本想不到有人会买别人不再想要的东西。
Making traditional objects out of recycled materials can be trashion, as can making avant-garde fashion from cast-offs or junk. 用再循环的材料制作传统物件可以称为“垃圾时尚”,这跟用废弃物造出前卫时尚的道理是一样的。