She castigated him for having no intellectual interests. 她斥责他没有智识兴趣。
She castigated the tax on gifts and bequests as a threat to small business. 她把对礼物和遗赠物征税斥之为对小商号的一种威胁。
Recall that lawsky just last week unilaterally castigated the UK-based bank for brazenly and wantonly eviscerating state and federal banking rules against dealing with Iranian entities. 上周,洛斯基单方面发起了对这家英国银行的指控,严厉斥责该行与伊朗实体进行交易,肆无忌惮地违反纽约州和联邦的银行业法规。
China, long castigated for an artificially weak currency, has allowed its currency to appreciate gently against the dollar over the past five years. 中国一直以来因为人为压低人民币汇率而遭受指责,但已经在过去五年允许人民币兑美元小幅升值。
He castigated the secretaries for their sloppy job of filing. 由于秘书们档案工作搞得马虎草率,他严厉地斥责了他们。
Castigated in Africa for blank cheque diplomacy, Chinese policy banks have been careful to secure Latin American loans, especially to Venezuela and Ecuador, where a chunk are backed by oil exports. 受到在非洲开展空白支票外交的批评后,中国的政策性银行变得谨慎,对于发放给拉丁美洲(尤其是委内瑞拉和厄瓜多尔)的贷款要求获得担保,其中一大块是由石油出口担保的。
Both privately and publicly he castigated the US-Japanese Security Treaty. 他在私下和公开场合都曾攻击日美安全条约。
They will see that those they have castigated are the true jewels in the Father's eyes whilst their trumped up, created empowerment has no bases in history of Divine dictates. 他们将看到那些他们打击的,实际上是父眼中的真正的珠宝,与此同时他们无中生有捏造的授权在神圣指示的历史中也是没有根据的。
The US is often castigated for cultural imperialism, but Britain is the worse offender. 美国常常因为其文化帝国主义受到谴责,但更应该受指责的是英国。
The judge castigated the attorney for badgering the witness. 法官因为辩护律师纠缠目击证人而谴责了他。
Since then, Mr Bloomberg has been castigated by the NRA for using his "tentacles" to extend "his reach, and his illegal anti-gun tactics, across America". 此后,布隆伯格遭到了全国步枪协会的严厉抨击,理由是他利用其“触角”,将其影响力和反对非法枪支的手段扩大到了美国全境。
The opera "white haired girl" moved millions of Chinese to tears with this true story that castigated the old society which turned humans into ghosts and celebrated the liberated society which turned the ghosts back into humans. 歌剧《白毛女》以“旧社会把人逼成鬼,新社会把鬼变成人”的真实故事,感动了中国千千万万的老百姓。
Companies are castigated for spending billions on research and development, only to deliver too many "me too" drugs and too few genuinely new ones. 他们花费数十亿用于研发,仅仅提供了太多雷同而非真正的新药,为此,公司常遭到惩罚。
He was castigated as a racist by his opponents. 他被对手斥责为种族主义者。
He watched me closely and castigated me for mistakes. 他在一旁严密监视,我一出错便大加申斥。
Tom Lantos, then a congressman from California, castigated Yahoo's management, saying'while technologically and financially you are giants, morally you are pygmies. 来自加州的国会议员兰特斯(TomLantos)当时严厉地批评了雅虎的管理层,称其虽然在技术和经济上是巨人,但却是精神上的侏儒。
He was roundly castigated by many in Hollywood and admits to being surprised by the reaction. "They were like, 'kill the heretic!'" 该影片在好莱坞广受抨击,史密斯承认他对好莱坞的反应深感吃惊。“他们似乎在说:‘杀死这个异教徒!’”
Beckham has been castigated for going to a second-rate league, yet that is a result of a salary cap designed to create a more even competition. 因为选择了一支二流联赛的队伍大卫受到了严惩,而工资封顶制度将会给他带来更严酷的挑战。
Bankers are the biggest target, blamed for causing the financial crisis in the first place and castigated for their conduct during and after it. 被认为是金融危机罪魁祸首的银行业者成了最大的目标,他们在金融危机时,以及之后,都被猛烈地抨击。
But the review of the so-called Climategate e-mails, which were hacked from the University of East Anglia in the UK last November, castigated climate scientists for their culture of secrecy, which the investigators blamed for creating public mistrust of their findings. 但在对所谓“气候门”电子邮件进行审议后,调查人员严厉批评了气候科学家的保密文化,称正是这种文化造成公众不信任他们的研究发现。
It did not remind them that barely a year ago many of the same bankers had castigated it for its conservatism in opening its financial sector. 并且没有提醒他们,仅仅一年之前,这些银行家中的许多人,曾严厉指责中国在开放金融行业时所持的保守思想。
The paper separately structures the game models to Drove above-mentioned conclusions further, and points out that if the institution investors manipulating stock price cannot be castigated, it will induce more manipulation and cause the more unusual fluctuation of stock price. 并分别构建博弈模型分析投资者间的博弈过程来解释股价的异常波动,指出如果机构操纵股价行为得不到及时地惩罚,将会起到示范效应,引发更多的操纵,导致更多股票价格的异常波动。
The Company Law of China castigated recently aims to arouse the investment and carving by protecting the interests of stockholders. 新公司法旨在保护股东利益,鼓励投资创业。
In his poems, Xu Zhi-mo ridiculed and castigated forcefully the injustice in the society, showing his great sympathy for the working people and his strong hatred for the social confusions. 而徐志摩的诗则对社会的不公正进行了有力嘲弄和鞭挞,表露出对下层人民的同情和对社会混乱的愤恨。
The progressive intellectuals forcefully deprecated and castigated the feudal view of virtue in terms of liberty and equality. 当时先进的知识分子从自由和平等的高度对封建贞操观进行了猛烈的抨击与鞭挞,具有着鲜明的时代特色。
This catholic thinker castigated the French Revolution and the counter-enlightenment movement. This is because he felt that the fine traditional European civilization was facing an unprecedented threat and was likely to fall into a state of glaring decadence. 他对法国大革命和启蒙运动堪称极端的批评,正是因为他感到在他的时代,欧洲良好的传统文明受到了前所未有的威胁,随时可能陷入极度堕落的状态。
Judicial mark recognition is regarded as a commercial game that each person takes their needed. It seriously deviated from the legislation original intention. It should be castigated by society. 司法认定驰名商标完全被人当成了一场各取所需的商业游戏,严重背离了立法初衷,为社会所诟病。