The film mercilessly castigates the old society. 影片对旧社会进行了无情的鞭挞。
Castigates power and courage which always can stimulate us to study, what but is inevitable, we certainly can seek other appropriate paths. 苛责总是会激发我们学习的动力与勇气,但无可避免的是,我们一定会寻找其他合适的道路。
A former justice minister, Martha Karua, who castigates the police, says the figure is higher. 一位前司法部长,玛莎·卡鲁阿严斥了警方,宣称实际数字比这还要高。
The author admits and praises Pu's progressive thoughts and castigates and criticizes Pu's thoughts of the literati and officialdom in feudal China, The author also taps the origin and the social influence of Pu's views on women, and analyses and evaluates them objectively. 这里,对作者的进步思想给予认可、赞扬,对作者的封建士大夫思想作出鞭挞、批判,挖掘了蒲氏女性观产生的根源及社会影响,给予客观的分析评价。
Firstly, the long novel embodies some social criticism views, which mercilessly exposes and castigates the hypocrisy and ugliness of bourgeoisie. 第一,小说体现了批判现实主义思想,无情地揭露和鞭挞了资产阶级的虚伪和丑恶;
Although Pope often satirizes and castigates the corrupted government and the degenerated literary world in his poems, he holds a conservative attitude to the existing social morals and political order of his time. 尽管蒲柏常常利用诗歌对腐朽的朝政和堕落的文坛进行讽刺和鞭挞,但他对于现存的社会伦理和政治秩序却持保守态度。