
英 [ˈkæʒjʊəlnəs] 美 [ˈkæʒəwəlnɛs]

漫不经心; 随意; 不经意的

BNC.24282 / COCA.26937


  1. ADJ-GRADED 漫不经心的;(故作)随意的
    If you are casual, you are, or you pretend to be, relaxed and not very concerned about what is happening or what you are doing.
    1. It's difficult for me to be casual about anything...
    2. He's an easy-going, friendly young man with a casual sort of attitude towards money.
  2. ADJ (事件或情况)偶发的,偶然的,碰巧的
    A casual event or situation happens by chance or without planning.
    1. What you mean as a casual remark could be misinterpreted...
    2. Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the heightening of an already tense atmosphere.
  3. ADJ-GRADED (服装)休闲的,便装的
    Casual clothes are ones that you normally wear at home or on holiday, and not on formal occasions.
    1. I also bought some casual clothes for the weekend.
  4. ADJ (工作)临时的,短期的
    Casual work is done for short periods and not on a permanent or regular basis.
    1. ...establishments which employ people on a casual basis, such as pubs and restaurants...
    2. It became increasingly expensive to hire casual workers.


  1. With diverse textures and materials, this old-fashioned headwear is still trending, with French clothing retailer Dior Homme putting baseball caps on models wearing tuxedos to add a sense of casualness.
  2. He fumed at the casualness of the waiter who kept him waiting for half-an-hour and them served half-cold soup.
  3. He had a casualness about him when he first joined as a young lad which sometimes frustrated you, but he's matured and has a great strength of character.
  4. But there is craft in the casualness.
  5. And, thirdly, casualness in the use of the name.
  6. He also criticised the "casualness" with which some US politicians have discussed war with Iran.
  7. Just as easily, enjoy the laid back casualness of the Breeze Bar with its BBQ by the swimming pool, or the quiet romance of a sunset cocktail in the Aroma Lobby Lounge.
  8. In today, our discourse on problems has lost the envisioned casualness, grace and tender.
  9. With studied casualness he mentioned it to hilary.
  10. In the US, she says, as people continue to sink to lower and lower levels of casualness, dressing up has become a point of real distinction, a way to stand out among the crowd.
  11. He was sure that the casualness of the gesture was deliberate.
  12. In addition, according to the record in Cantonese spoken area, this word has four different character patterns, which show the casualness in the usage of words in Cantonese dialect.
  13. Casualness and mobility are what he is interested in for art creation now.
  14. The story is not rare in newspapers and on TV, and the casualness and detachment our people now have developed has amused nationwide concern.
  15. But the point is there is a casualness about life here that's not as accepted in the U.S.
  16. From the aspects of language casualness, abbreviation, nonverbal communication and the use of punctuation marks, the paper analyzes the speech features of English chatting room on the Internet, helping chatters to overcome communication barriers and succeed in communication.
  17. In order to avoid the blindness and casualness in the tourism products exploitation, it's imperative to study the principles of the design and exploitation of the tourism products.
  18. "Macro-narrative", "meta-narrative" emphasize on the aspects of generality, uniform, absoluteness, certainty, authority and centering, and get rid of the elements of difference, variety, casualness and margin.
  19. And the uncivilized decision reflects the traits of mystery, probability, subjective casualness and empiricism.
  20. Due to the personal character of labor service and casualness of evaluation, labor service subscription is not allowed in traditional corporation law and in the newly-amended corporation registration management rules.
  21. The quantity structure and spatial distribution of land use types in agricultural ecosystem, due to the effect of wetland reclamation, market benefit and policy change on them, varied greatly and frequently; especially the aquaculture pond, its construction and abandon presented considerable casualness.



  1. a casual manner

      Synonym:    familiarity