
n.  普遍性;宽宏大量

BNC.46615 / COCA.36802


  1. Catholicity and Sameness& An Exploration of Man s Extramundane Existence; a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality.
  2. Of social insurance fund raise money to not be a purpose in order to seek profit with operation, the country does not collect any duty fee, fund is entered not when apply goes out, national finance gives support; 4 it is catholicity.
  3. It reflected an information management the catholicity and the society of the activity.
  4. Administrative Monopoly& Its Catholicity and Particularity
  5. It is the information of catholicity which involves extensive social individual, community, nation to participate to obtain, control and make use of an activity.
  6. The experimental results show that minishing the color quantization errors and improving its veracity are the catholicity and uniqueness of this method.
  7. He insists the modern poems should have the match of catholicity and character, the balance of moment and completeness.
  8. Answer: the3 big features of chronic violate the rules and regulations are to have catholicity, repeatability, stubborn sex.
  9. The contents of legal education should be an unification of catholicity and pertinence.
  10. Catholicity of Calligraphy, for example, it contains time, space, movement, cause and effect, inevitability, orderliness.
  11. Arrearage of progress of economy of field of state-operated stud stock is a problem that has catholicity.
  12. Very preliminary, do not have catholicity, not professional and do not have the soil to raise more true musicians.
  13. Named it'Unprosperous& Unbroken ', because we see the excellent aspects of Chinese design, but still without catholicity.
  14. They criticize the standpoint of the catholicity of the justice, and think that the justice is not beyond history.
  15. He tries to investigate the feudalization general characters and regional particularity in Europe by the comparative method, and explain further that the feudalization as a kind of society form has its catholicity and particularity.
  16. In recent years the academic circles have ever launched a warm discussion on the problem of creation and creative thinking, putting forward the consensus of a catholicity: The creative thinking cannot get away from the inspiration.
  17. The character is statutory, restrictive, catholicity, abstractive.
  18. The paper analyses the information of material property based on analyzing the fact, illuminates the corporality information of material property 、 catholicity information of material property 、 dualism of information of material property; and discusses the objective reality of virtual reality.
  19. Cultural variety and unity form a dialectical unity, which shows the relationship between cultural particularity and catholicity, nationality and universality, heterogeneity and homogeneity.
  20. The study can increase the veracity and rationality of design, the method, which used in this paper, has some catholicity, and it can provide some reference to designer.
  21. The contradiction among cultural catholicity, particularity, nationality and time is basic contradiction of the cultural development. The contradictive movement determines the law of cultural development.
  22. So surveyed from the angle of public philosophy, the modern media should not only has an attitude to look on and share in justice, but an attitude of catholicity;
  23. Ethics, like physics, is a science about the logos knowledge system of the necessity& catholicity of the actual existence.
  24. A deeper research of traditional Chinese philosophies from the perspective of "catholicity" will be of great significance to the healthy development of world philosophies.
  25. The genetic algorithm is a new method of global optimal searching that has character of simpleness, catholicity, parallel processing and wide application.
  26. The hidden conflict is the principal form of it. It has the characteristics such as catholicity, invisibility, persistency and lability. The people often neglect the hidden conflict between teachers and students.
  27. The topic studied in this thesis, in the period of the current reform of state-owned enterprises, shows its considerable importance and catholicity. The research result is of certain significance in guidance and reference to the enterprises with similar background and situation.
  28. The goals of lessons are based on the full-time compulsory education mathematics curriculum standard, that embodies the basic, obligations catholicity and development of t he phase education.
  29. It was specificity and susceptivity to hypoxia signals and its catholicity of existing in organizations and target gene regulation, is the most important core transcription factor in the regulation of genes related to hypoxia.
  30. The channel conflict it faces in its channel competition, the issues it sees in the channel conflict management and its causes analysis, and solutions as well as strategic decision shall have abroad catholicity and guidance.



  1. the quality of being universal

      Synonym:    universality