Xie Jun checkmated the rival after the final deliberate consideration. 经过最后的深思熟虑,谢军将死于对手。
When the "king" of one side has no way out, then it is "checkmated". 当一方的“王”无路可走时,成为被“将死”。
And one who plays ill is checkmated& without haste, but without remorse. 而且游戏疾病被围擒的人-没有匆忙,但是没有懊悔。
The new Yalta defence: Opinions differ as to whether Vladimir Putin is a political grandmaster or a fool who is on the verge of being checkmated. 新雅尔塔式防守:对于弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)是政治特级大师还是就要被将死的蠢人,人们意见分歧。