Dirt clogs the pores, causing spots 灰尘堵塞毛孔,从而生出粉刺。
A steady stream of California traffic clogs the air with pollutants. 加利福尼亚川流不息的车流使空气中充斥着污染物。
Clogs are part of the Dutch traditional costume. 木屐是荷兰传统装束的一部分。
Who wears clogs ( sneakers) to an interview? 谁穿木屐(运动鞋)来面试啊?
Much like the pork product it is named after, bacn is something we desire even though it clogs our ( electronic) arteries. 和它命名来源的猪肉产品很类似,bacn是我们需要的但是可能堵塞我们的(或电子的)动脉的东西。
We wear clogs there. 我们在那里都穿木屐。
Through the adjustment of ventilation, the nascent cavitation number of cavitation is improved and the pore plate can crush and separate clogs during operation. 通过调节通气提高空化初生的空化数,工作时孔板旋转使堵塞物破碎和脱离。
Floating trash clogs up Three Gorges Reservoir. 漂浮垃圾堵塞三峡水库通道。
When people think of the Netherlands, a low lying country with numerous dams, tulips and clogs come to mind. 想到荷兰,这个到处都是水坝的低洼国家,郁金香和木屐就会浮现在脑海中。
This pipe clogs easily. 这条管子容易阻塞。
It would then use that knowledge to draw its own conclusions about what was causing the clogs. 然后,可以用此知识得出是什么原因使过滤器被堵塞满的结论来。
I think I'll leave all my money to charity when I pop my clogs. 我想我死后要把所有的钱都捐给慈善事业。
Addicted to the "reply all" function, this "cc" supporter clogs colleagues'already-overflowing inboxes with unnecessary messages. 他们用不必要的信息阻塞了同事们已撑满了的收件箱。
Before you know it, you're gonna be taking bubble baths with your clogs on. 在你了解之前,你需要穿着木底鞋去洗个泡泡浴。
Inch-long mollusk imported accidentally from Europe; clogs utility inlet pipes and feeds on edible freshwater mussels. 一英寸长的软体动物,偶然从欧洲引入;阻塞公共的管道入口,吃淡水贻贝。
Once, after a heated discussion we'd had about why she couldn't buy a pair of clogs. 有一次,在我们一次激烈讨论她为什么不能买木屐之后。
Clogs are very famous; I think they are special souvenir. 木屐是非常有名的,我认为他们是特殊的纪念品。
Many Chinese know the Netherlands as the home of Philips, Johan Cruijff, tulips and clogs. 在许多中国人的印象中,荷兰无非是飞利浦约翰•克鲁伊夫、郁金香和木屐的故乡。
A dance performed while wearing clogs; has heavy stamping steps. 一种舞蹈表演时穿着木底鞋。
In other places they have banned sandcastles, kissing in cars, feeding stray cats, wooden clogs and the use of lawn mowers at weekends. 而其他城市已经颁布的禁令有:不准建沙堡,禁止车内接吻、不得喂流浪猫、不得穿木底鞋以及禁止在周末使用割草机等。
Tibi was one of several designers to show clogs at New York Fashion Week last week. 在刚刚结束的纽约时装周上,Tibi是少数几位将木底鞋搬上秀场的设计师之一。
When I pop my clogs, bury me on top of that mountain. 若我死了,把我埋在那个山头上。
No athletic shoes, clogs, and backless shoes will be permitted. 运动鞋,脚链,还有没有跟的鞋是不允许的。
They left a great many odd little footmarks all over the bed, especially little Benjamin, who was wearing clogs. 他们在苗床上留下了许多零零散散的小脚印,尤其是那个穿着木屐的小本杰明。
Their wooden clogs squeak in the snow. 他们的木底鞋踩在雪地上吱吱嗄嗄直响。
Thickened or coalesced in soft thick lumps ( such as clogs or clots). 浓稠的或凝固成柔软的浓稠的块状物(例如血液凝块)。
In Hong Kong and Shenzhen, air pollution clogs the lungs of billionaires and their immigrant maids alike. 在香港和深圳,空气污染令亿万富翁及其外来女佣都喘不过气来。
Mary-Kate Olson has been wearing clogs already. 玛丽-凯特·奥尔森早已将木底鞋穿上了脚。
Traditional plowing is utilized to break up dirt clogs in heavy clay soils and to kill competing weeds. 传统的耕作是利用打散重黏泥土除掉杂草。
The picture of the stamp is clogs and the windmill. 邮票上的图片是木屐和风车。