
英 [ˌkəʊ ˈɔːθəz] 美 [ˌkoʊ ˈɔːθərz]

n.  (书或文章的)合著者
v.  合著


  1. N-COUNT (书、戏剧或报告的)合著者
    The co-authors of a book, play, or report are the people who have written it together.
    1. He is co-author, with Andrew Blowers, of 'The International Politics of Nuclear Waste'.
  2. VERB 合著(书、戏剧或报告)
    If two or more people co-author a book, play, or report, they write it together.
    1. He's co-authored a book on Policy for Tourism...
    2. Karen Matthews co-authored the study with Lewis Kullers.


  1. Co-authors Nikolai roussanov and Pavel savor argue that it has to do with dating.
  2. In the course of conducting research of entrepreneurs across the globe, my co-authors and I found that most exceptional leaders tend to balance their convictions with a healthy dose of humility.
  3. From there, he and his co-authors proceed to provide a detailed, comprehensive treatment of code quality topics.
  4. In this book, Gary Pollice and his co-authors describe their experiences in a highly collaborative project that did engage the talents of all team members.
  5. Rand and his co-authors compared emotional states of groups of friends, families, and coworkers to models of how infectious diseases like the flu spread.
  6. 'People don't self-distance naturally; when they become angry, they naturally ruminate on it,' says Brad J. Bushman, a professor of communication and psychology at Ohio State and one of the study's co-authors.
  7. Not only are these women ( or their trusty co-authors) ace home cooks, they have also figured out dinner once and for all and are extraordinarily self-assured about their axioms.
  8. The research was paid for by the National Institutes of Health and the German government ( some co-authors work at the University of Bonn).
  9. Other co-authors were from Microsoft Research, the University of Washington and Royal Perth Hospital in Australia.
  10. Other co-authors were from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
  11. Having co-authors, especially those that complement your talents, can help you do more than you could on your own.
  12. Yet two of his critical co-authors are government researchers at the National Sichuan Antibiotic Industrial Institute, with no known financial stake in the case.
  13. China's economy would benefit from a stretching out of the distribution of its cities, argue Ting Jiang of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and his co-authors.
  14. Scott and his co-authors are writing for an audience who's users are suffering from large centrally designed systems.
  15. Co-authors include David Hunter and Edward Giovannucci of BWH and the Harvard School of Public Health ( HSPH);
  16. The co-authors describe the current situation of steel pipes for thermopower boiler and power station in the country as well as its developing trend at home and abroad.
  17. "I knew as soon as I saw the animal that it was something special," said Luke Welton, a graduate student at the University of Kansas and one of the co-authors of the study.
  18. Additional co-authors on the study were Timothy Butterfield, a former postdoctoral researcher at Ohio State now with the University of Kentucky Department of Rehabilitation Sciences;
  19. But, after they have done experiments, if they are not co-authors, my students and I feel very sorry;
  20. Once'informants'begin to be considered as co-authors, and the ethnographer as scribe and archivist as well as interpreting observer, we can ask new, critical questions of all ethnographies.
  21. Adrian foster of Booz Allen Hamilton, the management consultants and co-authors of the report, said the UK failed to exploit fully the potential of the travel and tourism sector despite the prospects for increased leisure and travel from China and India to the West.
  22. He and his co-authors call for comprehensive and fair population policies and more conservation of environmental resources that support human life.
  23. Paabo and his co-authors could not resist looking into the genetic factors that might be at work.
  24. Furthermore, since several of them are also co-authors on the SCA specifications, they don't necessarily agree that it's a JBI versus SCA debate: JBI can be a good platform on which to build SCA.
  25. Jonathan Caulkins and Angela Hawken, occasional co-authors, teach at Carnegie Mellon and Pepperdine universities respectively.
  26. Probe into the Awarded Marks Calculation Method for Co-authors
  27. That might include demanding original data to back up a paper's conclusions, or interviewing co-authors about their role in the research.
  28. Other co-authors were from Purdue University, the University of Alabama, Medical College of Georgia and New York University.
  29. The Positive Synergies report has its limitations, which the co-authors readily admit.
  30. Prof bloom and his co-authors find uncertainty weighs on investment, hiring and output.