Co-authors Nikolai roussanov and Pavel savor argue that it has to do with dating. 两位合著者尼克莱•罗萨诺夫和帕维尔•萨瓦认为,它肯定与约会有关。
In the course of conducting research of entrepreneurs across the globe, my co-authors and I found that most exceptional leaders tend to balance their convictions with a healthy dose of humility. 在对全球创业者进行调查的过程中,我和我的合作作者发现,真正杰出的领袖往往能在舍我其谁的自信中搭配恰如其分的谦逊。
From there, he and his co-authors proceed to provide a detailed, comprehensive treatment of code quality topics. 从这里开始,他和其他的合作作者将会继续提供代码质量问题的具体,复杂的讨论。
In this book, Gary Pollice and his co-authors describe their experiences in a highly collaborative project that did engage the talents of all team members. 本书中,GaryPollice和其他作者描述了他们的一个高度合作的项目,团队中所有的成员都充分发挥了自己的能力。
Rand and his co-authors compared emotional states of groups of friends, families, and coworkers to models of how infectious diseases like the flu spread. 兰德和同事通过流感等传染病的传播模型对一些人群的情绪状态进行了研究。
'People don't self-distance naturally; when they become angry, they naturally ruminate on it,' says Brad J. Bushman, a professor of communication and psychology at Ohio State and one of the study's co-authors. 俄亥俄州立大学传播学和心理学教授、该研究报告作者之一布什曼(BradJ.Bushman)说,人们不会自然地进行自我疏离;当他们生气时,会很自然地沉迷于自己的情绪当中。
Not only are these women ( or their trusty co-authors) ace home cooks, they have also figured out dinner once and for all and are extraordinarily self-assured about their axioms. 这些女人(或者她们值得信任的联合作者们)不仅是一流的家庭厨师,而且已经一劳永逸地想好了晚餐做什么,并且对自己的理念很有信心。
The research was paid for by the National Institutes of Health and the German government ( some co-authors work at the University of Bonn). 这项研究由美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)和德国政府(一部分共同作者在波恩大学[UniversityofBonn]工作)资助。
Other co-authors were from Microsoft Research, the University of Washington and Royal Perth Hospital in Australia. 其他的合作者来自微软研究公司,华盛顿大学以及澳大利亚皇家珀斯医院。
Other co-authors were from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. 其他共同作者都来自约翰霍普金斯大学医学院。
Having co-authors, especially those that complement your talents, can help you do more than you could on your own. 拥有好的合作者,特别是可以和你的才能进行互补的人,可以帮助你做更多凭借个人力量无法完成的事情。
Yet two of his critical co-authors are government researchers at the National Sichuan Antibiotic Industrial Institute, with no known financial stake in the case. 然而对他提出批评的两位作者是四川省抗菌素工业研究所的政府研究人员,在这起案例中,他们没有任何已知的经济利益关系。
China's economy would benefit from a stretching out of the distribution of its cities, argue Ting Jiang of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and his co-authors. 香港科技大学的蒋挺和其合著者则认为,中国经济可以从星罗棋布的城市分布上获益。
Scott and his co-authors are writing for an audience who's users are suffering from large centrally designed systems. 这篇文章也适合正在为大型中央系统而苦恼的用户阅读。
Co-authors include David Hunter and Edward Giovannucci of BWH and the Harvard School of Public Health ( HSPH); 协同作者包括BWH的大卫亨特和爱德华焦万努奇和哈佛公共卫生学院(HSPH);
The co-authors describe the current situation of steel pipes for thermopower boiler and power station in the country as well as its developing trend at home and abroad. 介绍了我国火电锅炉和电站用钢管的现状,以及国内外发展趋势。
"I knew as soon as I saw the animal that it was something special," said Luke Welton, a graduate student at the University of Kansas and one of the co-authors of the study. “当我看到它之后就知道它与众不同”,卢克说到。他是堪萨斯大学的研究生也是参与研究的人员之一。
Additional co-authors on the study were Timothy Butterfield, a former postdoctoral researcher at Ohio State now with the University of Kentucky Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; 该研究另外的共同作者还包括提摩太。巴特菲尔德,原俄亥俄州立大学博士后研究员,现在则是在肯塔基大学康复科学系;
But, after they have done experiments, if they are not co-authors, my students and I feel very sorry; 在他们做了实验后,不做作者,我和我的学生非常内疚;
Once'informants'begin to be considered as co-authors, and the ethnographer as scribe and archivist as well as interpreting observer, we can ask new, critical questions of all ethnographies. 一旦“被访人”开始被当作合著者,而民族志学者既是抄写员、档案保管员也是进行阐释的观察者,我们就能够对所有的民族志提出新的批评性问题。
Adrian foster of Booz Allen Hamilton, the management consultants and co-authors of the report, said the UK failed to exploit fully the potential of the travel and tourism sector despite the prospects for increased leisure and travel from China and India to the West. 上述报告的作者之管理咨询公司博思艾伦(boozallenhamilton)的艾德里安福斯特(adrianfoster)表示,虽然中国和印度到西方休闲和旅游的人数有上升的前景,但英国并未完全发掘旅游业的潜力。
He and his co-authors call for comprehensive and fair population policies and more conservation of environmental resources that support human life. 他和一起的研究者们呼吁全面公平的人口政策和对支撑人类生命的环境资源的保护。
Paabo and his co-authors could not resist looking into the genetic factors that might be at work. 柏保和合著者不能不调查一下可能在起作用的遗传因素。
Furthermore, since several of them are also co-authors on the SCA specifications, they don't necessarily agree that it's a JBI versus SCA debate: JBI can be a good platform on which to build SCA. 此外,因为他们中有些也是SCA规范的合作制定者,他们并不认为这是一场JBIVSSCA的争论:JBI能够成为建设SCA方案的良好平台。
Jonathan Caulkins and Angela Hawken, occasional co-authors, teach at Carnegie Mellon and Pepperdine universities respectively. 乔纳森考金斯和安吉拉霍肯不时合著作品,分别在卡内基梅隆大学和佩伯丁大学任教。
Probe into the Awarded Marks Calculation Method for Co-authors 多人合作论文作者加分计算方法探讨
That might include demanding original data to back up a paper's conclusions, or interviewing co-authors about their role in the research. 论文提交者可能需要列示出最原始的研究数据,论文合作者也需要接受询问,对他们在研究中的作用作出说明。
Other co-authors were from Purdue University, the University of Alabama, Medical College of Georgia and New York University. 其他的作者分别来自普渡大学、亚拉巴马大学、乔治亚大学医学院和纽约大学。
The Positive Synergies report has its limitations, which the co-authors readily admit. 积极协同作用报告的作者们认识到,这份报告有其局限性。
Prof bloom and his co-authors find uncertainty weighs on investment, hiring and output. 布鲁姆教授及其合著者发现,不确定性对投资、就业和产出都构成拖累。