
英 [kəˈluːdz] 美 [kəˈluːdz]

v.  密谋; 勾结; 串通


  1. V-RECIP 共谋;勾结;串通
    If one person colludes with another, they co-operate with them secretly or illegally.
    1. Several local officials are in jail on charges of colluding with the Mafia...
    2. My mother colluded in the myth of him as the swanky businessman...
    3. The store's 'no refunds' policy makes it harder for dishonest cashiers and customers to collude.


  1. Whoever colludes with the enemy to fabricate rumors so as to mislead others and shake the morale of troops shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment; if the circumstances are especially serious, he may be sentenced to death.
  2. Article 102 Whoever colludes with a foreign State to endanger the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of the People's Republic of China shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years.
  3. When it colludes with politicians to propose politically palatable programmes, the IMF fails in its proper role of reforming a country.
  4. The NDRC has pledged to nab anyone who colludes to drive up prices amid surging food costs.
  5. At a local level there are countless instances in which government colludes with developers to take land away from hapless peasants.
  6. This paper will show that Zhang et al.'s scheme is insecure, any group member colludes with repeal center can generate a valid group signature without using his secret parameters.
  7. The meridian is the living creature information system that colludes with to live the quick and the external world contact and combines to adjust bio-chemical reaction of oneself continuously;
  8. Therefore, controlling shareholders of listed companies has not control company managers directly and effectively, and even in some cases, shareholders agent colludes with company managers.
  9. If a detector for rogue TPM colludes with TPM, the verifier of request for service authorized will prove his illegal behavior under his signature and anonymous authentication information.