
英 [kəˈluːdɪŋ] 美 [kəˈluːdɪŋ]

v.  密谋; 勾结; 串通


  1. V-RECIP 共谋;勾结;串通
    If one person colludes with another, they co-operate with them secretly or illegally.
    1. Several local officials are in jail on charges of colluding with the Mafia...
    2. My mother colluded in the myth of him as the swanky businessman...
    3. The store's 'no refunds' policy makes it harder for dishonest cashiers and customers to collude.


  1. Several local officials are in jail on charges of colluding with the Mafia
  2. His death could unleash a well of resentment building up among some senior Northern Alliance members, who accuse President Hamid Karzai of colluding with the Taliban.
  3. Speculation, colluding with government officials, and manufacturing fake goods have become the primary sources of profits.
  4. Former company executives at the oil company are accused of colluding with politicians to extract bribes from contractors.
  5. Only this month HSBC has been found colluding in tax evasion.
  6. In the new world of higher capital charges, central clearing, exchange-traded futures and a crackdown on anything that smacks of big banks colluding, things are tougher.
  7. But it might have been better if a few jerks had lost their tempers over the culture of rigging interest rates – a process which, as email exchanges show, involved some exaggeratedly positive and courteous exchanges between colluding colleagues.
  8. In 2012, the Justice Department accused Apple and five other publishers of colluding to raise e-book prices.
  9. The problem remains that there are two rival power centres in Egypt, occasionally colluding with, but more often conspiring against, each other.
  10. Colluding clique detector based on activity similarity in P2P trust model
  11. Crime of state functionaries concerning criminal syndicate is the most serious and harmful officials corruption colluding with organizations in the nature of criminal syndicate.
  12. He was accused of colluding with his brother in the deal.
  13. Hamas confirmed that its members had been arrested and accused the Palestinian authority of colluding with Israel to wipe it out.
  14. Prosecutors have opened investigations into several bank executives and regulators, accusing them of colluding to embezzle funds and grant illegal loans.
  15. He did not think Asian central banks were deliberately colluding in setting monetary policy, but that informal co-operation would grow naturally.
  16. On Wednesday Chinese regulators accused 12 Japanese car parts manufacturers of colluding to overcharge carmakers including Toyota and Ford.
  17. In an environment of tightening credit, some banks are colluding with developers to keep the cash tap turned on.
  18. He is accused of colluding with the terrorists to supply them with explosives.
  19. They claim that governments, religions and education systems have added up to nothing more than a plot by men to suppress women, colluding to keep good women down.
  20. His sudden ascension came after Sotheby's was plunged into chaos with the news that Christie's, its rival, had told the US Justice Department that the two had been colluding over prices.
  21. Mr Hayes, a former Tokyo-based trader at both UBS and Citigroup, was also charged with wire fraud and antitrust violations for allegedly colluding with individuals at other banks.
  22. What is colluding bid crime? Which features?
  23. They will then accuse the owners of violating antitrust law by colluding to prevent them from working, seeking an injunction to force the resumption of play and damages worth three times their losses, as the law permits.
  24. Aside from this "trading mentality", macroeconomic factors are also colluding to encourage Asian investors to make punchier bets.
  25. Vertical restraints refer to restricted competitive behavior adopted through colluding by two or more than two operators who do business with each other in different market stages, including resale price maintenance, tie-in sales, exclusive dealing, territorial restrictions, etc.
  26. However, in recent years the violation of due diligence and colluding with issuers by some intermediate agencies give rise to flaws in issuing of securities and leakage of transaction information, which cause great losses for investors.
  27. First, the influence of colluding behaviors among generation companies on market premium is analyzed, the premium level is in direct proportion to the market share of collusion union and in inverse proportion to market demand elasticity.
  28. In the operation of state-owned companies, the phenomena of distributing state-owned assets privately, crime of fraudulent practice and converting stock by low price, selling state-owned assets, colluding to auction state-owned assets are very sincere and lead to a great deal of loss of state-owned assets.
  29. First of all, through the details of a case and trial results review, it puts forward different opinions about take self-mutilation means insurance swindling behavior qualitative through looking back the judicial practice insurant colluding with others to.