The BBC alone is sending 300 technicians, directors and commentators 单单英国广播公司就派出技术人员、导演、解说员等一行300人。
Some commentators compared his work to that of James Joyce 有些评注者把他的作品与詹姆斯·乔伊斯的作品相提并论。
He was one of the most perceptive US political commentators. 他是美国最具洞察力的政治评论家之一。
The commentators make endless quips about the female players 'appearance. 评论员们没完没了地拿女选手的容貌打趣。
This leads some commentators to wonder what her real convictions are, and whether she has sacrificed her more market-friendly instincts in order to forge a political career in statist france. 这种做法让一些评论员怀疑她真正的信念到底是什么,她是不是为了在国家经济统制的法国打造政治前程而牺牲了更多市场友好性本能。
But soon commentators were making cynical remarks about the timing of the wedding. 但很快,评论人士就开始对婚礼举办的时间冷嘲热讽。
Both parents, and not a few online commentators, thought she did the right thing. 她的父母和相当多的网友都认为,她做得对。
Beginning last autumn the government has warned and punished a number of well-known social-media commentators. 从去年秋天开始,一批知名社交媒体评论员遭到了警告、惩处。
First, as previously pointed out by several commentators, the rules will hurt banks 'earnings and lending. 首先,正如几位评论人士早先指出的那样,这些规定将损害银行的收益和放贷。
Secondly, based upon the analysis of text and commentate, relationships between the author and commentators becomes explicit. 其次,通过对文本和点评的阅读分析,梳理了作者和评点者的关系。
Most commentators agree on three things about the Chinese stock market. 关于中国股市,多数评论人士在三件事上达成了共识。
Some social commentators believe that a woman's economic independence lessens her desire to get hitched. 一些社会评论家认为,一个女人的经济独立,缩小了,她渴望结婚。
In recent weeks, some market commentators have asked a question that would once have seemed unthinkable. 最近几周,一些市场评论者提出了一个原本看来不可思议的问题。
Some commentators say the American emphasis on winning at all costs is undermining sportsmanship and good manners. 有些评论家认为,美国人强调要不惜一切代价赢得比赛,因而损害了运动员的道德和良好举止;
Commentators also sometimes confuse China's rapid progress and likely emergence as a superpower with present-day reality. 评论员有时也把中国的快速增长和可能成为一个超级大国,与当今的现实混为一谈。
Many news organizations have special rules for reporters and commentators who cover business and financial topics. 许多新闻机构对报道工商和金融事务的记者和评论员有特殊规定。
The commentators all say it's not practical, but I'm for him trying. 评论员都说这不切合实际,但我主张他试试看。
Some commentators have argued that such small effects are uninteresting. 一些评论者争论这些小的影响是无趣的。
I am grateful to the commentators for their valuable insights and perspectives. 回复我个人非常感谢作者在文中所展现的洞察力和视角。
It replied to my critiques and friendly commentators. 它是对批判家和评论家的回应。
Commentators have questioned the Court's premise that Congress can act only in a legislative capacity. 评论家对最高法院的前提国会只能以立法机关的资格采取行动表示怀疑。
Some commentators say this beast maybe have a man or woman at its head. 有些注释者认为此兽有个男人或女人在它的头部。
Not enough politicians, certainly not enough journalists and commentators, are pushing against this narrative. 没有足够多的政界人士当然也没有足够多的记者和评论人士大力驳斥过这一观点。
The fixation of commentators and practitioners with them is telling, though not mainly about mendacity. 虽然大部分的关注和谎言无关,评论员们和撒谎者们对于谎言“热爱”还是非常显著。
Some commentators look at these numbers and question the earlier fiscal stimulus. 一些评论人士看着这些数字,对早前的财政刺激提出了质疑。
Some commentators abroad say that china's current policy is irreversible. I think they are right. 外国有的评论家说,中国的现行政策是不可逆转的。我认为这个看法是正确的。
I also believe that most commentators are exaggerating the extent of the eurozone slowdown. 我还认为,大多数评论人士都在夸大欧元区增长放缓的程度。
Financial commentators said over the weekend that a hung parliament was the worst possible result. 金融评论人士上周末表示,在所有可能的结果中,无多数议会是最差的。
This kind of narrow understanding of globalization were from academics and social commentators challenges. 这种对全球化的狭隘理解遭到了来自学者和社会评论家的挑战。