I couldn't talk her round and so complied. 我拗不过她,只好同意了。
The old lady thought what he said was reasonable and so complied. 老太太见他说得有理,就依实了。
It was as if they were going against nature, but they complied. 这似乎违背了他们的天性,但他们同意了。
China supports and has strictly complied with existing international nuclear security conventions and relevant UN Security Council resolutions. 中国支持并严格履行现有核安全国际公约及联合国安理会相关决议。
He complied with the local law. 他遵守?地的法律。
7.The company has complied with the court order. 公司履行了法院的命令。
First, the stability pact, by and large, is not currently complied with. 首先,《稳定与增长公约》目前大体上没有得到遵守。
But in the past the company has denied any wrongdoing and said it complied with us accounting rules. 但该公司过去曾否认有过任何不当行为,并声称自己遵守了美国会计准则。
As a result of such anomalous situations many difficulties occur in interpreting statistical data complied by governmental agencies. 由于这种异常状态,政府部门在汇编说明文字和统计资料中遇到了许多困难。
We are satisfied that they have complied with all health requirements. 我们对他们一直都遵守一切卫生法规感到满意。
Relevant laws regarding State-owned assets administration and anti-monopoly merger review should also be complied with. 同时,并购还应遵守有关国有资产管理和反垄断并购申报审查方面的法律。
Those security design and configuration are full complied with national standards. 其安全设计和配置完全符合国家标准。
The rule must be complied with. 这条规则必须遵守。
Once you complied with his request, you cannot repent it. 一旦你答应了他的请求,你就不能再后悔了。
They wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligations as an american. 他们想要确定,他是否履行了受雇条件,是否履行了作为美国公民所应尽的职责。
His reportage fully complied with the facts. 他写的报告文学充分尊重了客观事实。
If the written contract specifies it, those conditions must be complied with. 如果书面合同有了明确规定,那就必须遵守那些条款。
My company has complied with committee subpoenas by supplying documents confirming all that I have said. 本公司按照委员会的要求,提供了能够证实我刚才发言的文件。
The child readily complied, and he went out. 孩子欣然地答应了,他便走了出去。
He inspected the machinery to see if it complied with safety regulations. 他检查了这个机器,想看看是否符合安全条例。
Rules in this Part shall be complied with in all weathers. 本规则各条在各种天气条件下都应遵守。
Owen complied with the boy's request. 欧文答应了孩子的要求。
The prescribed time limit must be strictly complied with. 必须严格遵照规定的时间限制。
On my insistence that he answer the question, he complied. 经我坚持他非回答这个问题不可,他总算依从了。
All the banks complied and kept deposits with the Bank of England. 所有的银行都遵从,并且对英格兰银行付了保证金。
I have complied a list of Promo codes and coupons which can get you some discount when purchasing domains. 我必须遵守的清单促销代码和优惠券,可以让你在购买一些折扣域。
Your request has been complied with. 你的要求已经照办。
The Rules concerning shapes shall be complied with by day. 关于号型的各条规定在白天都应遵守。
If this is done, safety procedures specified by relevant authorities and shipping companies must be complied with. 这样做的话,必须符合有关主管部门以及船运公司规定的安全程序。