CPR can triple survival rates, but some people are reluctant to do it in part because they are unsure about the proper rhythm for chest compressions. CPR可使患者的存活率提高三倍,但有些人在实施时犹豫不决,部分也是因为不知道正确的胸部按压节奏。
But research has shown many people do chest compressions too slowly during CPR. 而研究发现许多人在实施CPR的胸部按压时节奏太慢。
The American Heart Association calls for chest compressions to be given at a rate of100 per minute in cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR). 美国心脏协会要求在心肺复苏抢救时胸部按压的节奏应为每分钟100次。
Beyond the fact that people are more likely to do chest compressions alone than in combination with mouth-to-mouth, the study says, there are other reasons that compressions alone saves lives. 除了相较于胸外按压和口对口呼吸联合,人们更愿意单独做胸外按压的事实以外,研究指出还有其他的理由支持单独胸外按压可以救命。
The new way is C-A-B& for compressions, airway, and breathing. 新的方法是C-A-B,也就是按压、气道和人工呼吸。
When delivered by EMS professionals, CPR is a combination of rescue breathing and chest compressions to keep oxygen-rich blood circulating until an effective heartbeat is restored. 当EMS专人人员进行时,心肺复苏指人工呼吸和胸部按压联合以保持含氧血液循环直到有效心跳恢复。
We should continue chest compressions as much as possible, only pausing to do things that are proven to be medically beneficial. 我们应该尽量维持按压不被打断,除非是去做对病人更有益处的事。
Continue compressions and breaths 30 compressions, two breaths until help arrives. 持续按压和人工呼吸&30次按压比2次呼吸,直至救援(人员)的到来。
Clinical Study of Shengmai Injection and Continue Compressions on Cardiac Pulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation 持续性胸外心脏按压联用生脉注射液用于心肺脑复苏临床研究
Reference: "Chest compressions before defibrillation for out of hospital cardiac arrest: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials," BMC Journal. 参考文献:“院外心脏停搏电除颤之前胸部按压:随机对照临场试验的元分析,”英国医学委员会杂志。
Moreover, the watermarks can be extracted blindly and are robust to common video attacks. Especially, it can effectively extract watermarks under diverse compressions. 对于常见的视频攻击有较强的鲁棒性,特别是在多种格式压缩的条件下能有效提取水印。
The study confirms a controversial practice that these cities have followed for years in which they tell bystanders to perform chest compressions only to buy time until trained medical crews arrive. 这项研究也证实了在一些城市遵循了数年的具有争论的实践,即:在专业医疗人员到来之前旁观者只需要做胸外按压来争取时间。
CPR traditionally involves providing chest compressions to help circulate blood around the body and breathing support, such as mouth-to-mouth ventilation. 传统的心肺复苏(CPR)通常由胸外按压来帮助机体血液循环,以及诸如口对口吹气的方式进行呼吸支持。
In many cases, there is a reserve of oxygen left in the patient's blood and lungs, from the last breath, and we can take advantage of that oxygen reserve and just do chest compressions. 在很多案例中,在最后的呼吸中,有氧储备在病人的血液和肺中,我们可以利用那些氧储备而只做胸外按压。
In view of limited resources and amounts of data in Wireless Sensor Network ( WSN), clustering compressions are always employed to reduce transmission packets. 无线传感器网络资源有限,信息量大,通常采用分簇压缩减少传输量。
Good chest compressions really help save lives. 好的胸外按压真的有助于救命。
The old approach, he says, was causing delays in chest compressions, which are crucial for keeping the blood circulating. 旧的路径,他说,会延迟胸外按压,而后者是保持血液循环的关键。
The main message to bystanders is that cardiac arrest is not necessarily a death sentence, but lives can be saved if more people learn CPR and how to deliver chest compressions. 对旁观者来说最重要的信息在于,心脏骤停并不意味着死亡宣判,如果更多人懂得如何进行CPR和胸外按压,会有更多生命被拯救。
Vigorous cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR) with more chest compressions on people with sudden cardiac arrest can improve the survival rate, a new study shows. 最新研究表明,积极的心肺复苏辅以更多次的胸部按压,能改善突发心脏骤停患者的生存率。
According to the AHA, chest compressions should be started immediately on anyone who is unresponsive and is not breathing normally. 根据美国心脏协会的研究,对没有反应或不正常呼吸的任何人,首先应立即给予心脏按压。
Even by themselves, chest compressions can make a difference. 即使只有胸外按压,结局也会大不一样。
The new first step is doing chest compressions instead of first establishing the airway and then doing mouth to mouth. 新的第一步是做胸外按压,代替原来第一步的建立气道然后口对口(人工呼吸)。
Vector quantization ( VQ) is a popular lossy compression scheme widely used in multimedia data compressions. 矢量量化是一种常用有损压缩技术,被广泛地应用于多媒体数据压缩。
To assess the effectiveness of cardiac compressions during adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the nurse should palpate which pulse site? 心肺复苏时,评估按压的有效性,应检查哪处的脉搏?
''Anybody can do chest compressions, whether they have had a class or not. 任何人都能做胸外按压,不管他有没有经过培训。
The only little change that the face ever showed resided in the two compressions or dints. 这面孔上所仅有的小变动全在这两个凹处或瘪处。
Current evidence does not support the notion that chest compressions first prior to defibrillation improves the outcome of patients in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; 现有的证据不支持电除颤之前进行胸部按压改善院外心脏骤停患者的预后的观点;
In this chapter, we have explored the evaluation on lossy compression and studied comparatively the effects of CR and CT images compressions respectively. 本节主要探讨了有损压缩的评价,分别比较了CR图像压缩效果和CT图像压缩效果。
The high-pressure behaviors of the molecular crystals under hydrostatic and uniaxial compressions from previous works are also discussed. 也讨论了流体静压力和单轴压力下分子晶体高压行为的研究结果。
By the two compressions can reduce storage space and transmission efficiency. 通过这两次压缩最大限度的减少存储空间和传输效率。