
英 [ˈkɒnsəlz] 美 [ˈkɑnsəlz]

n.  领事


  1. N-COUNT 领事
    A consul is an official who is sent by his or her government to live in a foreign city in order to look after all the people there that belong to his or her own country.
    1. The British Consul in Zurich has confirmed that a British man was among the people killed.


  1. Honorable Governor Li, Mayor Yang, Foreign Affairs Directors from Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang, fellow Consuls General, friends
  2. Clause 2: In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction.
  3. As the consul general is away, one of the consuls is sitting in for him.
  4. I put forth Cassius and Brutus to serve as consuls.
  5. Teachers, sailors, laborers, businessmen wow account soldiers, generals, consuls, and everything through.
  6. To all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls;
  7. Erin: So far, the American consuls are sure to come, but the Canadian consulate and the British consulate are not for sure.
  8. The legislative body, composed of the highest ranking members of Roman society, passed laws, elected consuls, and oversaw the operations of public administration.
  9. Consuls your teacher when problems crop up.
  10. On the other hand, the Council had two principal war-chiefs, with equal powers and equal authority the two "kings" of the spartans, the two consuls in rome.
  11. Draft Convention on the Legal Position and Functions of Consuls
  12. An office of high rank, entrusted only to men who had previously served as consuls, the censorship encompassed financial and accounting responsibilities related to taxation and population management.
  13. The consuls were the supreme civil and military magistrates in Roman Republic.
  14. Although Professor Cheng had done accomplished work in the subject of foreign consulates and consuls in Fujian Province during the late Qing, there are still some problems unsettled.
  15. In the field of judicial administration, consuls should refer important cases or appeals occurring in the ports under their administration to Hong Kong High Court.
  16. The government of the Qing Dynasty signed agreement with the three consuls and set up Shanghai Tariff Committee controlled by them.
  17. Under Principate, the political organizations of the republic such as the Senate, Plebeian Assembly and the Magistracy led by the two consuls were preserved. However, this system is centered at a newly-emerged figure, the Princeps.
  18. It holds that the joint hearing ( trial) power of the foreign consuls and joint hearing system represented by the Mixed Court are an extension and expansion of consular jurisdiction.
  19. Some foreign teachers were employed on the recommendation of foreign consuls, ministers or Robert Hart, the others being recruited directly, consisting of foreign officers, customer officers, missionaries and other foreigners in China.
  20. Protecting overseas citizens and their rights and interests is the fundamental function of consuls.