
英 [kənˈvɜːdʒɪz] 美 [kənˈvɜːrdʒɪz]

v.  汇集; 聚集; 集中; (向某一点)相交,会合; (思想、政策、目标等)十分相似,相同


  1. VERB 汇集;集中;聚集
    If people or vehicles converge on a place, they move towards it from different directions.
    1. Competitors from more than a hundred countries have converged on Sheffield for the Games...
    2. Hundreds of coaches will converge on the capital.
  2. VERB (路、线等)交会,交叉,汇合
    If roads or lines converge, they meet or join at a particular place.
    1. As they flow south, the five rivers converge.
  3. V-RECIP (不同的思想、社会等)趋同,趋于一致,融合
    If different ideas or societies converge, they stop being different and become similar to each other.
    1. Speeches delivered by Mr Dewar and Mr Wallace indicated their views were converging...
    2. The views of the richest householders converged with those of the poorest and created a new consensus.


  1. This is an important statement of Cfengine's philosophy of applying small changes iteratively until the system converges to a stable, desired state.
  2. If RUP's preferred use-case-based approach is applied, one typically converges on a usable ( although incomplete) system more rapidly than with traditional ( waterfall) approaches.
  3. While Workspaces are treated as segregated entities, Workspace evolution creates and advances Workspace variants in which their content diverges and converges as model content is developed.
  4. Thus their advice converges.
  5. The light of the whole universe converges here.
  6. OSPF detects changes in the topology, such as link failures, very quickly and converges on a new loop-free routing structure within seconds.
  7. The dike swarm converges on West Spanish peak.
  8. E.R1 will send LSAs to R2 and R3 informing them of this change, and then all routers will send periodic updates at an increased rate until the network again converges.
  9. The practical collaboration union converges elite resource in display field, which embody the professional spirit of space display.
  10. Any iterative sequence generated by the algorithms is a upper solution or a lower solution sequence, which converges monotonically to the solution of the problem.
  11. With large divergence angle LED light efficiently converges at the optical fiber receiving end demand, an ellipsoid and focusing lens combination optical system design method is proposed.
  12. Using a team approach that converges the Biosciences with nanoscale engineering and advanced computing, the goal is to find solutions to complex global challenges and accelerate these discoveries to market.
  13. Numerical example shows that the algorithm converges to the optimal rates.
  14. The results show that a longer feedback filter tap-length is not necessarily better when the feedforward filter tap-length converges to a certain range and the decision delay maintains a fixed value.
  15. With the humidity further diffusion, the deformation of tunnel increases but the deformation rate decreases, and eventually converges.
  16. A necessary and sufficient condition that the related difference converges uniformly to zero on the boundary of the equiconvergence area is also showed.
  17. He is speaking about the principle of singularity, whereby a complex system converges towards a consensus, in the case of markets, and can no longer justify a balance between buyers and sellers.
  18. The presented optimization method not only converges the correct optimal operating point of industrial processes, but also can be computed with available quadratic programming techniques.
  19. The massive cloud that converges in the firmament above is a hulking harbinger of China's impending change.
  20. It was proved that the tracking error converges to the prescribed boundary layer and all the signals in the closed-loop system were bounded.
  21. Applying this approach to real data shows that the estimated migration velocity reliably converges to the correct velocity.
  22. The goal should be to ensure that the overnight money market rate converges back towards zero.
  23. AXP provides a compute platform which converges application and networking domains.
  24. At present their contention converges on the Middle East, an area of great strategic significance, and particularly on Egypt's Suez Canal Zone.
  25. The global asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system is proven by showing that it has no finite escape time and converges to an asymptotically stable dynamics in finite time.
  26. Property 2 If 、 converge to and respectively, then also converges, and.
  27. The rate of innovation in the communications market is accelerating while the industry converges around IP and Ethernet packets.
  28. The search method is used later together with direct solution for changing the search direct, let search method converges to a better solution faster.
  29. The one issue where Muslim opinion converges with a demand for a change in America's approach is Palestine.
  30. Experimental results on UCI dataset show Powell algorithm converges fast and its accuracy is higher than that of coordinate descent method and smooth SVM.