
英 [kəˈrʌpʃənz] 美 [kəˈrʌpʃənz]

n.  腐败; 贪污; 贿赂; 受贿; 使人堕落的行为; 腐蚀; (单词或短语的)变体



  1. N-UNCOUNT 腐败;贪污;受贿
    Corruption is dishonesty and illegal behaviour by people in positions of authority or power.
    1. The President faces 54 charges of corruption and tax evasion...
    2. Distribution of food throughout the country is being hampered by inefficiency and corruption.
    3. ...bribery and corruption.
  2. N-COUNT (单词的)变体
    In linguistics, a corruption is a word that is derived from an earlier word, but which has become changed in some way.
    1. 'Morris' is an English corruption of 'Moorish', meaning North African.
      Morris 在英语中是 Moorish 的变体,意思是“北非的”。


  1. Finally, there are a few utilities provided by DB2 Express-C for objects'integrity checks that can detect corruptions
  2. In theory, illegal plundering of money and corruptions are never tolerated in a Catholic country and are punishable by death. however, the related officials indicated Estrada might be pardoned from any death sentence.
  3. In order to crack down on corruptions, United Nations Convention against Corruption established Criminal Absent Judgement.
  4. Reople have been making unremitting explorations on how to supervise powers effectively and keep corruptions within limits at all times and in all countries.
  5. Legal Enforcement Against Criminal Corruptions and Evolution of International Criminal Law& a Snapshot of UN Convention Against Corruption
  6. Educational corruption that threatens social equity and credibility, and corruptions that increase in universities, have become the focus of attention.
  7. But as there were limited law enforcement agencies and corruptions of the provincial government, there were also violations and lax enforcement of the laws.
  8. LCR is an excellent option for customers that need fast recovery from mailbox data failure or corruptions but can permit server outages for scheduled and unscheduled reasons.
  9. Possessed of the eye of knowledge completely purified, Destroyer of the evils& corruptions of the world: I revere that Buddha with devotion.
  10. Except that since there are no gods actually talking to us, that void is filled in by people with their own corruptions and limitations and agendas.
  11. The administrative departments for Industry and Commerce may, when supervising and inspecting commercial bribery, investigate and handle briberies and corruptions as a whole.
  12. However, there exist some new problems, such as the diversification of culture and values, differentiation of social structure and benefits, the increasing ethnic splitting attempts, negative influence of corruptions by some CPC officials, etc.
  13. The work lacked efficiency with abuses breaking out, and corruptions and theft occurring seriously.
  14. The Institutional Analysis regarding Corruptions in China's Security Markets
  15. The corruptions of the England noble officials in this period mainly existed in the political and economic fields and in the running of the naval.
  16. Police Corruption is a form of legislative corruptions all over the world.
  17. The corruption of the administration of officials is the greatest and the most serious corruption and the origin of all corruptions.
  18. Economic crime in position is one of the serious social problems in China, a mainstream of justice and bureaucratic corruptions.
  19. This paper analyses the type, degree, and changing trends of corruption behavior in Chinese transition and demonstrates clearly the motive structure, opportunity structure, and soft constraint that place a premium on corruptions by the measure of institutional analysis.
  20. The author discusses how Putin made adjustments in Russian economic policy, including punishing corruptions in privatization, curbing illegal plundering by financial oligarchies, and encouraging economic recovery from deep recession.
  21. Judicial corruption is viewed as the vital and key part of various corruption phenomena, the hotbed of creating and contributing to other corruptions.
  22. The Fight Against the Corruptions in the Public Power Enterprise Power Contention and Enterprise Governance
  23. People exhibits dissatisfaction and hatred to those corruptions.
  24. In recent years, we have made great achievements in the institutional reform and the improvement of the system, and put forward some countermeasures for a substantial number of administrative corruptions, and make important contribution to the construction of modern socialist administrative civilization.
  25. The damages which corruptions cause to the economy and society are always concerned by all countries in the world.
  26. In Asia, Vietnam is one of the countries with more serious corruptions.
  27. In recent years, corruptions of college infrastructure frequently appear in universities in Guangdong, Beijing, Nanjing, Dalian, and Shangxi, which not only seriously affected the working order of colleges, but also causing adverse social effects which corrupted the public morals.
  28. Corruptions can cause the loss of confidence in political system, disagreement of power and disorder in society, even the collapse of social system.
  29. Amendments of Criminal Law made in March 14, 1997 state that provisions equally applicable to corruptions and briberies are the same and grades of penalty were determined by severity of crimes.
  30. Because of many reasons, such as principal-agent and the asymmetry of information etc., corruptions often arise in the process of auctions, especially in countries and regions where the economic system is imperfect.