All this will perhaps seem absurd to many people, but I have a boundless forbearance towards courtesans which I shall not even trouble to enlarge upon here. 很多人对此可能会觉得可笑,但是我对烟花女子总是无限宽容的,甚至也不想为这种宽容态度与人争辩。
The development of polychrome woodblock printing techniques made it possible for ordinary people to obtain prints of popular kabuki actors or trendsetting courtesans. 多色彩印刷技术的发展,使平民能够取得受欢迎歌舞伎演员或鼓动风潮之廷臣的木刻板画。
The Duchesse de F rubbed shoulders with Mademoiselle A, one of sorriest specimens of our modern courtesans; f公爵夫人的胳膊撞上了a小姐;a小姐是当今***圈子里一位典型的薄命红颜;