As the job market slowly begins to pick up, hiring managers are breaking out their creaky interviewing skills. 随着就业市场日渐转好,招聘经理们又准备拿出他们那套老掉牙的面试技巧登台亮相了。
Hes 11-years-old and arthritis has made his joints creaky and his bones tired. 它11岁了,患有关节炎,骨头疲倦。
China's cash crunch has whipsawed stock and bond markets and exposed flaws in China's creaky financial system. 中国现金荒已经对股市和债市带来冲击,并且暴露出中国破败的金融体系的缺陷。
The house is creaky as its old but what happened next was not a normal occurrence and I know it wasn't my imagination, I thought it might have been at first but I soon found out it wasn't. 我开始也以为是我自己幻觉,可是很快我发现并不是。
I imagined myself walking up the creaky stairs to my attic, turning on my trusted personal computer and downloading that film& come hell, high water or Axis-of-Evil hackers. 我想象自己走上摇摇欲坠的楼梯,进入我的阁楼,打开我忠心耿耿的个人电脑,开始下载这部电影&不论遇到地狱、洪水,还是邪恶轴心的黑客。
That would almost be murder, and so I wait until the first night frost anaesthetizes all the flowers with a cold, creaky crust that causes them to wither; 我情愿等到寒霜初降,用那凛冽的薄冰麻醉了花儿,让她们慢慢的枯萎,死去。
My creaky old joints. 我那有关节炎的老骨头。
Behind the creaky knees and forgetfulness of aging is a failure of tissues throughout the body to repair themselves when damaged. 预防癌症的代价腰腿不灵便和头脑健忘是年老的必然,在这些表象下是机体全身的损伤修复功能的衰弱。
I walked through the creaky, old gate again and kick-started the motorcycle. 我又一次走过那扇古老的晃晃悠悠的大门,发动了摩托车。
Tristan wanted to be in The Creaky House Club. 特里斯坦想成为CreakyHouse俱乐部的一员。
The chair was hard and mean and creaky. 椅子又硬又不舒服,还吱呀发响。
Rich dad stood and shut the creaky old wooden window that needed repair. 富爸爸站起来,推开那扇破旧失修的窗子。
They were alerted by the creaking gate; creaky stairs. 他们被吱吱作响的门警醒了;叽叽嘎嘎响的楼梯。
Creaky wardrobe, no use disturbing her. 衣橱总咯吱咯吱响,犯不上去打扰她。
The whole court system is becoming more creaky and inefficient. 整个庭审制度变得老朽过时,没有效率。
China also badly needs international expertise and technology to modernise its creaky market infrastructure. 中国也亟需国际专业知识和技术,使目前薄弱的市场基础设施实现现代化。
He was careful on the creaky stairs. 他走在嘎吱嘎吱作响的楼梯上很当心。
If he went through a door, which made a creaky noise, he would pour some oil on the hinge. 如果他走过一扇门,门上发出嘎吱的响声,他就会在铰链上倒一点油。
It would also beef up China Eastern's creaky balance sheet and help it compete with rivals, such as a newly forged alliance between Beijing-based Air China and Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific Airways. 这也会减轻东航严重的负债情况,帮助它与竞争对手,如新近位于北京的国航和位于香港的国泰结成的联盟的竞争。
Whether it is your runner's knees or creaky tennis elbow, all can cause discomfort, especially if untreated. 无论是运动的膝盖还是脆弱的臂肘,都可能导致不适,特别是得不到治疗时。
This helped transform them from creaky relics of Soviet-style central planning to leaner businesses with a sharper commercial focus. 此举把这些银行从摇摇欲坠的苏式中央计划经济残留,改造为更精简、更专注于商业业务的企业。
The house that was known by the local kids as the creaky house. 当地的小孩都称之为神秘屋。
The bee has creaky wings and thanks to the Velcro it can be detached and re-attached to the flower. 小蜜蜂的翅膀可以发出叽叽嘎嘎的声音,它可以从花上拆下来。
Taking the Southeast Asia country and the area as representative's family monitoring pattern was creaky in the financial crisis a little while ago. 以东南亚国家和地区为代表的家族治理模式在前不久的金融危机中更是摇摇欲坠。