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  1. It criticises the main contractor for seriously erring in its original estimates
  2. The inquiry team criticises staff at the psychiatric hospital for the low standard of care.
  3. The report criticises the newspaper for sensationalism.
  4. He takes umbrage against anyone who criticises him.
  5. Finally, the US criticises the UK for its constant accommodation of the rising superpower.
  6. The MPs'report also criticises the labelling on homeopathic products, which it says fails to inform the public that homeopathic products are "sugar pills containing no active ingredients".
  7. Nevertheless, he criticises the rules-based style of US accounting and says it enabled devious minds to breach the spirit, if not the letter, of the law.
  8. Mr Slater criticises the moves as unnecessary given the ready availability of cheap tankers for charter that have already been built.
  9. He also criticises the unknown authorities who sent police to guard his home.
  10. Mr Greenspan criticises China for continuing to prevent the renminbi from strengthening, saying it reflects the misguided view that a weak currency is necessary for export growth and political stability.
  11. The report, released on the eve of the G8 summit, criticises host Japan as well as Germany and Italy for not ratifying the United Nations Convention against corruption.
  12. Professor Zhai Yujuan, a professor of law at Shenzhen University, criticises the points system as inhumane because it asks people who have the least to give the most.
  13. Anyone who criticises the government from within Russia gives aid to the enemy without.
  14. Remy's chest of drawers not only turns its back on superficial, elegant design, but also criticises both the excess and the consumer mania that pervades the world.
  15. The failed counter-bid for China Eastern will come as a huge disappointment to Li Jiaxiang, Air China chairman, who in a new book criticises foreign investment in the country's aviation sector.
  16. While he frequently criticises the work of the cabinet headed by Mr Putin, this does not appear to bother the prime minister.
  17. The letter also criticises some western nations, in particular Italy which he accuses of being uniquely stingy among European donors, for backtracking on aid commitments.
  18. The draft criticises misguided policy recommendations by institutions such as the IMF that have prevented developed countries from adopting the counter-cyclical stimulus policies being pursued by the developed countries.
  19. Even my mum sometimes criticises Adriano and I always tell her that she doesn't know him so she shouldn't judge.
  20. The report also criticises the focus on domestic garbage, suggesting that more should be done to encourage business to cut waste.
  21. The report criticises the banks for being imprudent in their lending.
  22. President Mugabe criticises Western countries
  23. Turn off that little voice in your head that criticises you.
  24. This paper analyses the natural geographical mistakes of a representative work which explains Records of Mountains and Rivers as a geographical book about the world and criticises its viewpoint.