No one likes to have their work critiqued. 没人喜欢自己的工作遭受批评。
When she met with Mr. Obama last year, she critiqued American military action in her home region. 去年,在与奥巴马会面的时候,她批判了美国在她故乡采取的军事行动。
If you have to critique someone, before you do, think of how you would want to be critiqued. 所以当你批评什么人之前,想象你自己是否能接受这样的批评。
A video on YouTube, a piece of writing online – anything that can be complimented or critiqued, which will either boost your confidence or thicken your skin. 在YouYube网站发布一个视频,在网站写一句话,任何可以参与评论的东西都可以,这样可能会增强你的自信心,也有可能会让你的脸皮更厚。
Bankers have publicly critiqued the regulatory environment before, often with limited success. 银行家以往也曾公开批评监管环境,但往往收效有限。
We mostly talked shop, and critiqued each other's work. 我们多半谈店务,互相批评切搓工作。
There are four major assigments for this course, each of which are discussed and critiqued in class sessions. 本课程有四个主要习题,相关内容将于各课程单元中一一讨论并评论之。
Despite its status as the most popular foreign language, English pedagogy in China has often been critiqued for its lack of effectiveness. 尽管英语已经成为中国最流行的外语,中式的英语教学被置疑其有效性。
The second part made a review about the development of Business Geography and critiqued some of the theories about economic area and business, and then, we found the principle in the Chain Management's growing and development and the limitations in the researches of Economics. 第二部分对商业地理学的发展作了简要的回顾,对经济区位理论及商业经济学的部分理论进行了述评,得出了连锁经营发生发展的内在机理及经济学研究的缺陷。
In addition, the intrinsic public spirit in civil virtues requires the citizens to abide by laws and allows the virtues to be critiqued for the development of greater tolerance. 此外,公民美德内在的公共精神也要求公民遵守法律,允许美德自身受到批判,从而发展出更为宽容的美德。
Traditional economics regards fortune as the only variable of utility function, which has been critiqued by new historical school and institutional economic school. 传统经济学把财富视为经济人效用函数的唯一变量,这早就受到历史学派和制度学派的批驳。
In the first place, Hegel critiqued two modern ways of treating natural law, namely, the empiricist and formalist ways. 黑格尔首先清算了现代自然法的两种探讨方式,经验主义和形式主义。
There were three representative and influential proof methods of the transformation theory problem to be introduced and critiqued. 介绍和评论了三个具有代表性的、影响较大的转形理论问题解法,指出三个解法的正确和不足之处。
At Stage 1, major standards in language testing were collected, reviewed and critiqued. 在第一阶段,我们收集并且系统回顾了语言测试领域的主要标准。
In the development of modern thought, Max Weber is a big thinker who ever critiqued Marx a lot which based on the critique of materialist conception of history. 在现代思想发展的历程中,马克斯·韦伯是一个对马克思提出了诸多重要批评的思想家,而这些批判正是建立在对唯物史观的批判之上。
As Weber, Horkheimer and Adorno also used rationality to explain the enlightenment and modernity, and then critiqued the western modern society. 如同韦伯,霍克海默和阿多诺也是用理性化解释启蒙与现代性,并借此对西方现代社会进行批判。