The police came back and cross-questioned Des again. 警察回来重新盘问德斯。
I can't bring myself to cross-question the child about her activities. 我无法使自己就她的活动情况去盘问这个孩子。
Person freedom is the person that points to a citizen ( include spirit and body) do not suffer imprison illegally, ransack, cross-question, reach encroachment freedom. 人身自由是指公民的人身(包括精神和肉体)不受非法拘禁、搜查、审问、及侵犯的自由。
Then I prepared to cross-question him rigidly, for this thing was getting serious. 这回我准备严格地盘问他,因为事情似乎一直在朝着我预期的相反方向发展。