During their summer holidays they cruised further afield to Normandy and Brittany. 暑期他们乘船到更远的诺曼底和布列塔尼游览。
A black and white police car cruised past. 一辆黑白相间的警车缓慢驶过。
Graf looked in awesome form as she cruised to an easy victory. 格拉芙轻松取胜,看上去状态极佳。
The coastguard cutter cruised along the coast looking for smugglers. 水上警察缉私船沿海巡逻搜寻走私犯。
Sharks cruised toward her lone figure, only to be driven away by rifle shots. Against the frigid grip of the sea, she struggled on hour after hour while millions watched on national television. 鲨鱼游向她孤单的身躯,只能靠***来击退。她迎向冰冷的海水,努力向前游,就这样一小时一小时过去了;无数观众则坐在电视机前观看这一情景。
As their ice breaking ship cruised through the chilly waters, Sam clocked the arching rainbow but was stunned to see it was completely white. 山姆所乘坐的破冰船在寒冷的冰川中航行时,山姆被眼前的弧形彩虹给惊呆了,因为这是一条纯白色的彩虹。
It was only when he began boasting that he had run away from home as the plane cruised over France that other passengers alerted cabin crew. 直到飞机已经飞抵法国上空,男孩开始吹嘘自己逃家的光荣史时,其他乘客才发现这件事,并报告给了机组工作人员。
On evenings when we cruised the sky, we were a traffic-stopping show. 傍晚,我们在空中巡航,成了使交通中止的一大景观。
The battleships cruised along the shore. 那些战舰沿海岸巡弋。
She cruised in a small circle, then a larger one, without seeing anything encouraging. 先绕小圈子巡了一下,再扩大圈子游了一会,什么眉目也没有。
No.2 seed Pete Santors cruised in his night match against France's Fabrice Santors, 3,1,2. 第二号种子彼得·桑普拉斯在那晚比赛中以3,1,2轻取法国的法布雷斯·桑托斯。
But next time you've just cruised down the interstate behind a truck full of chickens or Thanksgiving turkeys, you might want to wash your car. 但是下次如果你刚好在洲际公路上在一辆满载小鸡或者供感恩节用的火鸡的卡车后行驶过,你可能想洗你的车了。
German detector vans cruised through town streets and country roads to try and get bearings on the clandestine transmitters. 德军探测车经常巡逻市镇、乡村的道路,务求侦察到隐蔽的收发机所在方位。
They cruised through the regular season and the first three rounds of the playoffs. 热队在常规赛和季后赛前三轮中一路顺风。
Scotland cruised to victory in the second half of the match. 苏格兰队在比赛下半场轻松获胜。
They cruised down the nile. 他们沿尼罗河而下乘船游览。
The Padres and cardinals held on to win division Championships yesterday, so they will meet in a rematch of a first-round series last year, when the Cardinals cruised to a three-game sweep. 教士队和红雀队昨天都获胜,赢得分区冠军,所以他们将会重演去年在季后赛第一轮对战的戏码,当时红雀队以三连胜横扫教士。
He had to work out of a bases-loaded jam in the second but cruised the rest of the way. 他在二局时面临了满垒的危机,但他顺利的解决。
In the old days, when Valentino cruised around the Med he was relaxing and finding sea shells whose inner pink shade might inspire an entire season. 过去,当瓦伦蒂诺巡游地中海时,他会非常放松,还会寻找那些里面带有粉色阴影的贝壳,这可能激发他关于一整季服装的灵感。
A cab cruised by and he whistled it dead. 一辆出租汽车驶过,他吹一声哨招呼它停了下来。
As the limousine slowly cruised to the nearby Imperial Hotel, the princess smiled and waved to thousands of well-wishers along the road. 豪华轿车缓缓驶向附近的帝国饭店,纪宫公主微笑着向马路两边成千上万的祝福者们挥手致意。
Bill savioured the view as he cruised along the coastline. 比尔沿着海岸线航行边欣赏景色。
They cruised the streets looking for some action. 他们徘徊在大街上,寻找有刺激的事。
She cruised the neighborhood in her new convertible. 她乘她的敞篷车漫游了附近地区。
Taxis cruised about, hoping to pick up late fares. 计程车以中等速度转来转去,希望能招揽到晚归的乘客。
Finally, I managed to untangle the microphone from my neck, and I cruised offstage and back into civilian life. 最后,我设法解开纠结在我脖子上的绳子,走下舞台,恢复了平静。
For nearly four hours Monday, a three-person crew with Greenpeace cruised past delicate islands and mangrove-dotted inlets in Barataria Bay off southern Louisiana. 在周一将近四个小时里,一个三人小组和绿色和平组织游览了过去优美的岛屿和南路易斯安那岛屿的红树木密布岛屿。
Yeah, actually, we cruised to Tamshui to see the sunset on Saturday. 对啊,其实,我们礼拜六开车兜到淡水去看夕阳。
We cruised to Alaska last year. 我们去年搭游轮到阿拉斯加。
We cruised to Bermuda on our vacation. 我们度假时,乘船巡游了百慕大。