
网络  难事; 症结; 关键; 紧要关头; 难题; 十字形


  1. The article briefly describes the physical properties of different-grade drafts and kender fiber, as well as production cruxes for the gauze.
  2. The cruxes of these views are that China's economic rise is part of a calculated economic/ political agenda.
  3. Two cruxes in education of China: equality competition and innovation tension were pointed in the paper.
  4. The cruxes of rice core germplasm breeding and basic work for further development in rice core germplasm breeding were discussed.
  5. Cruxes and Methods of Highway Alignment Design in Up-Stream Area of Reservoir
  6. One of the cruxes to solve this important problem was to reinforce the hospital financial management and to improve the comprehensive enterprise quality.
  7. Due to the inverse distribution of coal endowment and economic development in China, the optimization of coal flowing channel has been the cruxes of the balance of coal supply and demand.
  8. By analyzing the cruxes lying in college English teaching in our country, the content, characteristics and measures of college English teaching transformation on the background of the quality oriented education are discussed in detail.
  9. Viewing the three technology cruxes of CAPP system, namely, the description and input of CAD information, the realization of the technological decision and the automatic generation of the procedure drafts, the relevant technology strategies have been given out and used.
  10. The Jewish settlements in west bank and Gaza strip is one of those cruxes.
  11. The pathology about anomalous muscle bundle of right ventricle, cruxes of diagnosis and surgical management were discussed.
  12. The thesis, based on the theory of industrial structure, analyzed in depth the problems and their cruxes of the industrial structure of the west China. The paper also presented the counter-measures to adjust and optimize industrial structure of the west China.
  13. The author mainly describes the design and key techniques of the jacquard Rainbow Crepon, with analyses and researches made on some technical cruxes in the variety design of its kind.
  14. The purpose of research is to provide references for the policy making and legislative bodies and to make suggestions for further perfecting land property institutions, through analysing the problems and cruxes of current land property institution in China.
  15. Describes the requirements of raw materials for silk-like fabrics and some cruxes on weave design and weaving technology.
  16. In this article, the writer manages to explain in a systematic way the system's design background and the principles of the design purpose, the structural and functional design results and cruxes of the technology in the dynamic information service system of remote sensing.
  17. The hardware composition and design are expounded, and the cruxes of porting and the extended design of uC/ OS-ⅱ embedded operating system are simply explained.
  18. This paper makes all-round and detailed introduction to the development background, system data analysis, system data extract, system functions, system technique cruxes, system structure components and system benefit analysis of microcomputer-based management system for locomotive monitoring and recording.
  19. Summarizes the current development approaches and new varieties of real silk fabrics, and discusses the solutions to the cruxes in silk soaking and setting, with proper control suggested on the three factors, i.e. package build, yarn processing tension and moisture regain.
  20. The working principle and some cruxes of CAD/ CAM technology in respects of image input and identification, patterning process and pattern-card output are presented.
  21. This paper introduces the working principle and capability of a deep water elevator for test and analyzes its cruxes in design. Based on the actual working conditions, a finite element model of the elevator is established and its calculation result is given.
  22. This paper mainly introduces principles, major technical cruxes of a measuring system and its solutions.
  23. We should study the problems of farmer, countryside and agriculture in the general course of China's industrialization and modernization, analyze their main expressions, reasons and cruxes.
  24. LPG piping supply systems have been and will be developed on a large-scale in China. A number of technical cruxes of the systems are expounded and the research results are mentioned on this article.
  25. Secondly, assembly process planning is analyzed, including assembly sequence planning and assembly path planning, among them, especially presents cruxes of the path planning and put forward some solutions;
  26. The article analyses the fabric sample and describes its design procedures with some cruxes given.
  27. State-transferring diagram and transfer-probability matrix are the cruxes of solving the repairable compound system reliability.
  28. The establishment of urban water security system is one of the cruxes of the matter.
  29. This paper presents a method of image compression based on WNN. It also gives priority to the following three cruxes: the initialization of parameters, the adjustment of parameters and the choosing of learning rate.
  30. Then it has reviewed the development course of Chinese enterprises 'cross-border M A, analyzed the strategic reasons of Chinese enterprises' cross-border M A, and sought problem cruxes from the failure lessons of Chinese enterprises.