VERB (以…)结束,告终 If you say that an activity, process, or series of events culminates in or with a particular event, you mean that event happens at the end of it.
They had an argument, which culminated in Tom getting drunk... 他们争论了一番,最后汤姆喝醉了。
The celebration of the centenary will culminate with a dinner on November 20. 百年庆典活动将在11月20日的宴会中宣告结束。
Each hierarchy culminates in its own particular Pope. 每一等级的人到头来终有自己具体最崇拜的教皇。
All this culminates in the new constructor 这些生成了新的构造函数
The end of the picnic culminates in Martha saying a big fat NO to saving Downton, protesting that she cannot understand why they want to keep it. 在野餐行将结束时,玛莎夫人对于拯救唐顿的计划坚决反对,她不懂为什么这些人想方设法地想要保护庄园。
The birth culminates a royal-baby frenzy that began with last year's announcement of the pregnancy by the royal parents ─ formally known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and, at 31 years old, the standard-bearers for a younger generation of British royals. 男婴的降生将王室宝宝热推向高潮,这股热潮是从去年凯特王妃和威廉王子宣布怀孕消息后开始出现的。他们现年都31岁,是英国王室年轻一代的代表。
It's a fitting symbol for the city's nocturnal nature, which often culminates in summer with a bleary-eyed rush hour just before dawn. 破晓之前的夏夜,雅典的夜生活通常会在人们睡眼朦胧的时候达到顶峰。
Each civilization is born, it culminates, and it decays. 各种文明都要经历诞生、鼎盛和衰亡。
The doctrine, attributed to buddha, that suffering is inseparable from existence but that inward extinction of the self and of worldly desire culminates in a state of spiritual enlightenment beyond both suffering and existence. 佛教佛教教义,认为生存与痛苦是不可分割的,但在超越这两者的精神开悟状态下,可以将我执和世俗的欲望彻底消除。
The presentation culminates in a selection and rating chart for alternative fuels based upon different goals that may be required for future markets. 报告中的高潮部分还根据未来市场的不同需求目标,给出了各种替代燃料的选择评价图。
Animal life culminates in man. 动物发达到顶点而成为人。
Aspects will be very tough at that time too, perhaps even more so when the issue culminates. 各方面都会进入一个艰难的时期,也许比我写这文章预测的更糟。
Holy Week culminates on Easter Sunday when Christians celebrate the resurrection. 圣周将在复活节基督徒庆祝耶稣复活时达到高潮。
The competition culminates at the end of the week with the crowning of the rodeo champion. 比赛的高潮在本周结束的圈地冠军加冕。
Research has shown how malaria parasites avoid the immune system when they move from the liver to red blood cells& a journey that culminates in the blood cells bursting, causing chills and fever. 一项研究发现了疟原虫在从肝脏运动到红细胞时,如何躲避宿主免疫系统的识别。经过这段旅程,疟原虫最后造成红细胞破裂,引发了典型的忽冷忽热的疟疾症状。
Religion starts with fear, passes through love and adoration and culminates in the union with the Lord. 宗教由恐惧开始,经历爱与崇拜,最终发展到与神合一。宗教崇拜和僧侣界天然就有派性。
The marine discovery experience culminates in a coral-watching boat trip, during which the students are able to explore the pristine coral community protected by the marine park. 此海洋探索旅程的其中一个重点活动是乘坐珊瑚观赏船,欣赏海岸公园内原始的珊瑚群落。
It culminates with a night extraordinary comedy and moving documentary films. 节日在晚间极佳的喜剧局和感人的纪录片中达到高潮。
It all culminates in a fast-paced montage of above-the-rim moments. 这一切都处处表现出一个以上的,边缘的时刻快节奏的蒙太奇。
The semester culminates with a final project presentation and writing of a final report in the form of a conference article. 学期结束时做一个期末项目陈述,并以会议论文的形式写一篇期末报告。
God himself culminates in the present moment, and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages. 上帝的荣耀就显示在现在,根本不会因为时间的消逝而更神圣。
His blinded eyes see an internal vision, glowing beauty, a kind of'beatific vision'which culminates in his final apotheosis. 他瞎了的眼睛看见一个不断变得漂亮的视像,最终取得快乐详和的视像。
So far346 kids have completed the program, which usually culminates in a presentation to a teacher and classmates. 迄今为止有346个学生完成了计划,一般每个学生最后都要向老师和同学做一次陈述报告。
The process of spiritual involution culminates in the creation of an omnipotent "great wisdom mirror," which spontaneously reflects to us anything and everything that we desire. 精神卷入过程是创造一个全能的“大圆镜智”达到顶点,自发地对我们反应任何我们渴望的一切。
The week culminates with International Day of the Deaf on the last Sunday of the week. 活动于最后一周的周日即国际聋人日达到高潮。
The third module, scientific entrepreneurship, looks more specifically at the commercialisation of research, including issues such as funding and protecting intellectual property and culminates in the Dragons 'Den competition. 第三个单元,科学企业家,更有针对性地分析科学研究的商业化程序,其中包括募资与知识产权保护。最终,课程在龙穴竞赛中进入高潮。
Work for the master's degree usually culminates in examinations, written or oral or both, covering the major and minor areas of study. 修硕士学位通常最后总是要考试,包括主修和副修学科的口试及笔试。
Full stop, meaning end and termination, culminates in finite, lifeless symbols. 句号,就是停止,就是终结,就是事物最终变为有限的、死去的符号。
The Hospitals safe from disasters theme was also used for the2008-09 World Disaster Reduction campaign that culminates today. 2008-09年世界减灾运动的主题是:“减少灾害风险,确保医院安全”。这一运动今天达到了高潮。
So it's not a moment; it's a process that actually begins when the heart stops and culminates in the complete loss of the body, the decompositions of all the cells. 所以这不是一个瞬间,这是一个过程,从心跳停止开始,慢慢身体彻底损伤,所有细胞分解。
The lesson culminates in the student parading along a busy West End Road, showing off her newfound talents. 当学员沿着繁华的westend大街招摇过市,炫耀她新发掘的才华时,这堂课达到了高潮。
The war culminates in modern society over which only desire reigns. 这个战争发展到现代社会就只剩下了欲望在统治着。田纳西。