VERB (以…)结束,告终 If you say that an activity, process, or series of events culminates in or with a particular event, you mean that event happens at the end of it.
They had an argument, which culminated in Tom getting drunk... 他们争论了一番,最后汤姆喝醉了。
The celebration of the centenary will culminate with a dinner on November 20. 百年庆典活动将在11月20日的宴会中宣告结束。
Google's history in China is a rocky one, culminating in the company's decision to shut down its China operations last year. 谷歌的中国业务可谓命运多舛,这段坎坷的历程在去年最终公司决定关闭其中国业务是达到了顶点。
During World War II, Japanese forces invaded Malaya and the surrounding region in the Battle of Malaya, culminating in the Battle of Singapore. 在第二次世界大战期间,日本在马来亚的战争中用武力侵犯了马来半岛和周围的地区,这一战争在新加坡战役达到顶点。
Wellington held the village and the culminating plain; Ney had only the crest and the slope. 威灵顿有那村子和那片最高的平地,内伊只得了山脊和山坡。
It was this culminating point that Jean Valjean had reached. 冉阿让就是到了这个分水岭的最高峰。
The Inception phase consists of a number of iterations culminating in the Lifecycle Objectives Milestone. 先启阶段包括了达到生命周期目标里程碑的许多迭代。
The Transition phase consists of a number of iterations culminating in the Product Release Milestone. 产品化阶段包括许多产品发布里程碑处的迭代。
The Elaboration phase consists of a number of iterations culminating in the Lifecycle Architecture Milestone. 精化阶段包括许多生命周期构架里程碑处的迭代。
The Construction phase consists of a number of iterations culminating in the Initial Operational Capability Milestone. 构建阶段包括许多初始操作性能里程碑处的迭代。
The International Monetary Fund started a debate on the multiplier last year, culminating in a recent paper by Olivier Blanchard and Daniel Leigh, explaining why economic forecasts have been so persistently wrong during the crisis. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)去年就财政乘数展开了一场辩论,奥利维尔布兰查德(OlivierBlanchard)和丹尼尔利(DanielLeigh)最近一篇解释危机期间经济预测为何总是出错的文章,将这场辩论推向了高潮。
But it followed a three-week rally culminating in a record high on Monday. 但在此之前是持续三周的上扬行情,最终于周一创下新高。
Thanking you and hoping for a favorable reply culminating to long business association. 感谢您,并希望商业协会长一个有利的最终答复。
Civil War hero George Armstrong Custer through his life and military exploits, culminating in the controversial battle that took his life along with the200 soldiers he led. 美国内战英雄人物乔治.阿姆斯壮.卡斯特的生平军事功绩,在那场让他和他带领的200个士兵丢掉性命的受到争议的战役中达到高潮。
Until the Libyan revolution culminating in October 2011, Mali was not a fragile state. 在2011年10月利比亚革命达到高潮之前,马里并不是一个脆弱国家(fragilestate)。
The course is organized into four units, each culminating in a writing assignment. 本课程分成四个单元,每单元末以一个写作作业为结尾。
When he had said it, he took a culminating pinch of Snuff, and put his box in his pocket. 说完他嗅了最后一撮鼻烟,然后把鼻烟盒塞进了口袋。
Being at a peak or culminating point. 处在顶点或者最高点。
He suffered from manic depression, which gradually got worse, culminating in his suicide when Katherine was46. 他深为躁狂抑郁症所苦,病情日渐恶化,最后在凯瑟琳46岁时自杀身亡。
She then had a very successful dog breeding program culminating in winning Winners Dog at a National. 后来,她繁殖的犬成功地获得了国家犬展上赢家。
The culminating point of the performance was the break dance in the end. 临结束时的霹雳舞将表演推向了高潮。
And long term relationship culminating in marriage? 和长远的关系,最终导致婚姻?
Five or five thirty. being at a peak or culminating point. 五点或五点半都可以。处在顶点或者最高点。
Khrushchev was an advocate of peaceful coexistence with the West, but his advocacy of nuclear weapons caused tensions with the US, culminating in1962's Cuban Missile Crisis. 赫鲁晓夫十分注重和西方的和平共处,但同时却由于对核武器的崇拜于1962年在古巴导弹危机中与美国发生冲突。
This makes a wave of sovereign and banking crises, culminating in exchange controls and disintegration of the eurozone, all too conceivable. 完全可以想象的是,欧元区可能出现一波又一波主权债务和银行业危机,最终导致外汇管制和欧元区的解体。
Trends culminating in the mix of investors are seen as evolutionary, a one-way street. 人们将各种投资者之间发展到极致的趋势视为进化,是一条单行线。
He points to a long series of market booms culminating in a bubble in Japan the global power of the post war era. 他指出,作为战后年代的全球性大国,日本出现了一长串的市场繁荣,最后以泡沫而告终。
Akio Toyoda, the embattled Toyota chief executive, has admitted that the company lost its way and sense of priorities in its rapid rise to the top, culminating in a massive vehicle recall and a loss of consumer trust. 陷入困境的丰田(toyota)首席执行官丰田章男(akiotoyoda)承认,该公司在快速崛起至巅峰的过程中,迷失了方向和轻重缓急意识,最终导致大规模的汽车召回事件,并丧失了消费者的信任。
This dungeon reveals the culminating story events and battles of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack. 这个副本会揭示巫妖王之怒的故事和战斗的最高潮。
The milestone is being celebrated with events over three days, culminating Saturday with the inaugural address of the Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture. 具有里程碑意义的是为期三天的活动,庆祝高潮德斯蒙德图图国际和平讲座就职演说星期六。
What, however, can be said is the fact that the culminating point of my experience made me unspeakably happy. 但我可以说的是,我的体验的最高点使我感到了无法形容的幸福。