She and her mother were at daggers drawn. 她和她母亲之间的关系异常紧张。
I didn't expect them to be at daggers drawn over such a trivial thing. 我没料到他们为这一点小事竟会如此势不两立。
We are still at daggers drawn with the foreign ministry over this. 在这件事情上我们仍旧跟外交部势不两立。
Jack and Peter have been at daggers drawn for a long time. 杰克和彼得长期以来不共戴天。
Without missing a step, the drow on either side of the condemned soldier drew long, razor-edged daggers. 站在倒霉士兵两侧的卓尔丝毫没有犹豫,飞快地抽出了锋锐的长匕首。
She looked daggers at Tom when he suggested that her cooking could be improved. 当汤姆暗示说她还须改进烹调技术时,她狠狠地瞪了他一眼。
Israel's insecurity was so pervasive that even words were daggers. 以色列感到到处都有危险,甚至纸面上的文字也是刀枪林立。
The teeth of these fleet-footed predators are too small to use as daggers for large kill, but the cats have strong jaws that lock around the throat of prey until the victim stops breathing. 这些敏捷的掠夺者们的牙齿在大型猎物面前就像匕首一样显得太小,但是猫科动物强壮的颚能够环锁住猎物的喉咙直至受害者停止呼吸。
The leader of the opposition and the prime minister are at daggers drawn over the unemployment issue. 反对派的领袖和首相在失业问题上势不两立。
On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield, as opposed to the daggers of their trade. 在战场上他们以长剑和盾牌作战,而非平时刺杀中惯用的短刃。
The world lives at daggers drawn in a cold war. 世界在冷战中剑拨弩张。
It is a pair of daggers a main-hand and an off-hand dagger. 它是一对匕首&一把主手和一把副手匕首。
If they're fragile, then they need tools to be able to survive when the bad man with the axe or daggers comes a calling. 要是布甲很脆,那么他们需要一些能力在那些拿着斧子和匕首的猥琐男靠近他们的时候存活下来。
They usually ascend by using the daggers they plunge in people's backsides as rappelling instruments. 他们常常通过把匕首插入别人的背后作为拉人下水的工具来实现自己的往上爬。
The Paladin talent Precision displays Daggers and Staves as a weapon class in the link tooltip. 精确在物品链接中显示匕首和法杖作为一个武器等级。
She's at daggers drawn with her colleagues. 她与同事们水火不相容。
They were armed with ferocious daggers. 他们携有锋利的匕首。
Paul Wolfowitz, the neoconservative defence expert who succeeded him, replaced them with vicious-looking ornamental daggers from Asia. 他的继任者、新保守主义国防专家保罗沃尔福威茨(paulwolfowitz),用几把来自亚洲的、看上去颇为凌厉的装饰短剑取代了它们。
She left the room, looking daggers at me. 她以短剑相刺的目光望着我,走出了房间。
I happened totread on his toe, and he looked daggers atme. 踩到他的脚怒目而视。
They remain useful as masterwork daggers, though designed for a harvest golem's use. 它们仍然可以作为精致品匕首使用,但也可以用于收割傀儡使用。
Judge Taylor looked daggers at Atticus, as if daring him to speak. 泰勒法官对阿迪克斯怒目而视,似乎看他敢不敢说话。
The museum has collections of everything from Arabian sailing boats to the curved daggers known as khanjars. 该馆的收藏包括阿拉伯的帆船及波斯坎查弯刀,应有尽有。
The teeth are coming down they look like white daggers wanting to kill me. 牙齿正在向我们逼近,他们象白色的匕首想要杀死我。
Behind me is a memorial that symbolizes the Ranger daggers that were thrust into the top of these cliffs. 我身后是一座纪念碑,象征着突击队员像尖刀一样猛刺向峭壁的顶端。
My god, those bite marks look like daggers. 我的天哪,这些咬痕像是匕首刺的。
Things like visor caps, swords, daggers, buttons, insignia, medals, shoulder boards, collar tabs, flags, tress, swallows nests and of course, the cloth that Nazi uniforms are made of. 当然喜欢的东西遮阳盖,剑,匕首,纽扣,徽章,奖章,肩章,领标签,旗帜,树木,燕子筑巢和,布的纳粹制服而作出调整。
But if we have to repulse them, and the daggers once get drawn among such throngs of people, we are likely to have the place burnt down before nightfall. 但是如果我们非得挫败他们,等到他们在人群中拔出刀子,我们可能在天黑之前就得焚毁那个地方。
Discussion on the Performance Thought and Performance Disposal of the Accordion Solo House of Flying Daggers 手风琴独奏曲《十面埋伏》演奏思路及演奏处理
But lying behind those deceptively simple questions are cleverly con cealed landmines and daggers in the dark. 可是那些貌似傻乎乎的试题后面巧埋地雷,暗藏杀机。