And next time, you could eat my daikon or onion in return? 那下一次,你帮我吃掉萝菠跟洋葱?
Like its relatives broccoli, cabbage and kale, daikon is a cruciferous vegetable that offers cancer-protecting potential. 和其他十字花科植物如花椰菜、卷心菜、甘蓝菜一样,白萝卜也具有防癌的功效。
Daikon is high in vitamin C and folate. 白萝卜中富含微生物C和叶酸。
A vendor at the Makishi public market in the town of Naha offers a sample of daikon to a potential customer. 冲绳,日本Naha(那霸)Makishi市场的一个卖主,正在向消费者推荐她的萝卜。
But the accompaniments might be from the Middle East ( chickpeas and bulgur) or Asia ( daikon, the east Asian radish, turned improbably into sauerkraut) or a gourmet fruit stand ( pomegranates, pink grapefruit). 但配餐可能来自中东(鹰嘴豆和干麦片)或亚洲(日本萝卜,一种东亚的萝卜,被奇异地做成了酸菜)或美食者的水果盆(石榴,粉红葡萄柚)。
Analysis and Application of Dynamic Invariants Detection Tool-Daikon 动态不变量检测工具Daikon的分析及运用