
英 [ˌdiːˈseləreɪts] 美 [ˌdiːˈseləreɪts]

v.  (使)减速行驶; 降低运行速度; (使)减缓,变慢


  1. VERB 降低速度;减速行驶(或动转)
    When a vehicle or machine decelerates or when someone in a vehicle decelerates, the speed of the vehicle or machine is reduced.
    1. ...the sensation of the train decelerating.
  2. VERB (通货膨胀、经济增长等的速度)减缓,放慢
    When the rate of something such as inflation or economic growth decelerates, it slows down.
    1. Inflation has decelerated remarkably over the past two years.


  1. Leonard: Unless Superman matches her speed and decelerates.
  2. As the economy decelerates, the government appears to be rethinking that formula, although not the underlying assumption.
  3. While growth decelerates, so will the rise in urban wages. But unemployment should remain low and steady, the bank said.
  4. For China, the risk is that a shortage of workers, combined with wasteful investment, threatens to accelerate wage growth at the same time as labor productivity decelerates.
  5. With each stride the leg accelerates and then decelerates, using energy both for moving and braking.
  6. It works by limiting the pressure to any wheel, which decelerates too rapidly.
  7. Even if Chinese economic growth decelerates in 2012 to 7 per cent, that is still equivalent to an extra$ 490bn of output.
  8. While a vehicle decelerates, the peaks in MES basically decrease continuously and can reflect the abrupt excitation of ground.
  9. The TPCE series fast drop works close when decelerates the compression, the work to complete the fast rise, the slide rails protection die life.
  10. Arrive is a behavior that steers the agent in such a way it decelerates onto the target position.
  11. How the tide decelerates the rotation of the earth
  12. When a Jeffcott rotor system accelerates or decelerates passing through its critical speeds, the system will have the transient unbalanced response caused by the harmonic excitation whose frequency changes with the rotating speed.
  13. The main parameter that decelerates a machine include: Input power, decelerate a ratio and input to turn soon, wheel gear parameter etc.
  14. It brings economical benefits, since it decelerates the wear of facilities and raises the availability of facilities upon regular inspection.
  15. The retardation effect of overload enhances with decreasing Mode I baseline-load and increasing overload ratio, fatigue crack propagating arrests and fatigue threshold value increases at overloading in the near-threshold regime, fatigue crack propagating retards and decelerates at overloading at higher baseline-load.
  16. The basic conclusion of this model is, one economical system's long-term growth advancement divides into accelerates and decelerates stages, accelerated growth stage is efficiency to urbanization and industrialization economical system.
  17. The noise and vibration of auto engine increase greatly when the auto accelerates, decelerates and gears, so it means very much to measure and analyse the noise and vibration of auto engine in instantaneous status.
  18. Analysis for failed brake orbit of railroad vehicle decelerates
  19. The size of EIT window immediate influence the light decelerates degree and the storage time of light.
  20. The real gas effect accelerates the temperature and pressure decreasing rates during discharging process, and decelerates their increasing rates during charging process.
  21. Its braking torque can be automatically regulated based on load and speed changes in system braking, braking curve is adjustable, not have a great impact in deceleration, safe and stable, decelerates and stops according to a specified decelerate.