解构(文章没有固定含义,只有在阅读中才能获得意义) to analyse a text in order to show that there is no fixed meaning within the text but that the meaning is created each time in the act of reading
VERB (哲学和文学评论中)解构,拆析(观点或文本) In philosophy and literary criticism, to deconstruct an idea or text means to show the contradictions in its meaning, and to show how it does not fully explain what it claims to explain.
She sets up a rigorous intellectual framework to deconstruct various categories of film. 她构建了一个缜密的智识框架来解构各种类型的电影。
She sets up a rigorous intellectual framework to deconstruct various categories of film. 她构建了一个缜密的智识框架来解构各种类型的电影。
I was concerned about this because a malicious individual might be able to deconstruct the very visible URL patterns in order to create false confirmation ballots. 我之所以关心这个问题,是因为会有一些恶意的用户可能会对非常直观的URL模式进行破解,从而试图构建一些虚假的验证选票。
As more information is received, you deconstruct old mental models, then create new ones to better fit the situation. 随着接收到的信息量在不断增长,您将解构旧的心理模型,然后创建更符合情况的新模型。
Of course, you could deconstruct a complex sequence into multiple individual steps, each with its own interim output file. 当然,可以把复杂的序列分解为多个单独的步骤,每个步骤有自己的中间输出文件。
Let's look at what an application really is and how the structure of enterprise applications is changing to "deconstruct" applications. 让我们了解一下应用程序的实际情况以及企业应用程序的结构正如何发展为“分解”应用程序。
Sandy Carter shows how to deconstruct your business into a "componentized" business model, then support that model with linked, repeatable IT services that can adapt quickly, easily, and economically. SandyCarter介绍了如何将您的业务解析成“组件化的”商业模型,然后对带有可以快速、简单,且经济地采用且可重复的IT服务的模型进行支持。
He entered a competition set by the Game of Thrones producers for members of the Language Creation Society, a group he had co-founded, to promote, discuss and deconstruct invented languages. 他参加了《权力的游戏》制片商面向语言创造协会(LanguageCreationSociety)会员设立的一场竞赛。彼得森是协会的联合创始人之一,协会宗旨是推广、讨论和解构人造语言。
Or overanalyze and deconstruct things and so the happiness that comes from just enjoying something in the moment disappears. 或者,过度分析和解析事情,因此,从享受目前事情中获得的快乐消失。
As a Beijing native, Zhang explains his original purpose is to deconstruct Beijing's smog and unveil its shroud of mystery. 作为一个北京人,张超说他的初衷是解构雾霾并揭开雾霾的神秘面纱。
But you deconstruct why I was successful, why the company was successful,; you can point back to those failures; you can point back to learning how to sell ads. 但当你深究为什么我能够成功,为什么这个公司能成功是,你得回溯到那些我们曾经历的失败中去;,你能回溯到我们怎样售卖广告中去。
For Liang, Chinese painting has descended into an aesthetic code that he can play with and deconstruct at will. 对于郝亮来说,国画不过是他可以信手拈来,随意解构的美学符号。
Narrative therapy has been developed in recent years, the key is help consulter to deconstruct the old story and construct the new story. 叙事心理治疗是近年来形成的一个咨询学派,其关键是帮助来访者解构旧故事.建构新故事。
It is no exaggeration to say that the fundamental mission statement of the current system is to defame and deconstruct Western culture and history. 没有夸大的说,当前系统的根本任务供述是诽谤和重建西方文化和历史。
It will also deconstruct mainstream knowledge and modes of knowledge acquisition by placing them in their male-dominated social contexts. 课程亦会放置主流的知识及求知模式于男权社会脉络内中进行解构。
Deconstruct History: Unscramble the Avant-grade Fiction in Temporary from New-historicism 解构历史:从新历史主义视角解读中国当代先锋小说
The master narrative takes written text as its narrative form not only to consolidate its power and ideology but to deconstruct the slave's subjectivity. 奴隶主叙述以书写性文本为表述模式,巩固其权力并消解奴隶主体性。
Through this synthesis, Dammbeck wants to deconstruct the ideal image of the"Ü bermensch"( superman) effectively and demonstrate the implicit fascist annexation. 丹贝克想通过这样的组合对超人这个完美的想像进行解构,并揭发隐藏其中的法西斯的扭曲并吞。
One of the major themes of The Howl is to deconstruct, profane and subvert what are conventionally regarded pine through crazily releasing the energy of human body. 《嚎叫》的主导思想是通过对肉体能量的疯狂释放来解构、亵渎、颠覆神圣。
Let's try to deconstruct this rumour. 让我们来分析下这个谣言。
Before you invest hundreds and thousands of hours on a language, you should deconstruct it. 在投入成百上千个小时来学一门外语之前,你应该先解构它。
To deconstruct the hegemonic dual colonial map, Boland defines a postcolonial Irish identity as a fragmented, ambiguous, and even contradictory one. 为了解构此双重的殖民霸权版图,鲍伦将后殖民爱尔兰身份在〈殖民地〉中定义为破碎的、模糊的,甚至矛盾冲突的身份地位。
The tendency to deconstruct LuXun is carried out in the body narrative at the end of 20 century. 摘要20世纪末的解构鲁迅风波是在身体叙事中展开的。
This book will attempt to deconstruct the term, but will also seek to demonstrate why it has retained its importance. 本书将尝试解构该术语,并亦将试图说明它为什么能保持其重要历史地位。
You still had literary heroes, masters and disciples; it was just that what they did now was deconstruct each other. 文学作品中的英雄和师徒依旧存在,不过他们现在做的只是彼此解析而已。
The paper argues that the eight quality dimensions can reflect various aspects of official statistical service quality, and deconstruct the structure of user satisfaction. 研究中提出的八项质量维度可以充分反映政府统计数据质量的不同侧面,可以有效解构用户满意度的特征;
Derrida Deconstruct the privileging of shit over crap. 德希达:将大便对拉屎的特权解构。
Secondly, this license does not permit one to deconstruct the software and change the software code. 其次,本许可证,不容许一个解构,软件和改变软件代码。
Various revenue-generating entities make it hard to deconstruct consolidated results, and management structures do little to promote good governance and investor participation. 创收实体多样化使得人们很难拆解合并后业绩,而管理结构对实现良好治理和促进投资者参与也没有多少帮助。
Speculators, once more, are getting ready to deconstruct a European edifice, as they did in 1992, but this time it will be one on a bigger scale. 投机者再一次做好准备要摧毁欧洲这座大厦,就像他们在1992年做过的那样,不过这一次规模会更大。
Eileen Chang's original is possessed of female narrative, it is decided by the writer's sex and demonstrates that female deconstruct masculinist. 张爱玲的原作带有明显的女性叙事的特点,这是由作家的性别决定的,表现出女性对传统男权主义的解构。