
n.  偏斜,偏转


  1. So liquid crystal grating is used in extensive field such as diffraction optics, photoelectric switch, deflexion controlling of light beam.
  2. The result shows that the law of acoustic-optic deflexion and modulation basically tallies with the experiment. The probe was equipped with a radio occultation experiment to profile atmospheric density.
  3. The anisotropy associated with the earth's rotation results in a slight deflexion of the ray paths. Analysis of the Cutoff Frequency of Ridged Waveguides Partially Filled with Dielectric by Non-uniform FDTD
  4. Result Asymmetric inlet velocity profile deflexion could increase the area of low shear stress and the gradient of shear stress.
  5. The principle of acoustooptic diffraction was introduced, and the experimental research was carried through about acoustooptic deflexion and modulation of Bragg diffraction.
  6. This paper discussing the mirror photo method and finding the solution deflexion of the plates through mirrir photo method under the concentrate force.
  7. The fine grains, crack deflexion and grain-bridging are main toughening mechanisms of silicon carbide ceramic.
  8. Comparative Research of Simulation on the Automatic Guidance System for Tractor and the Deflexion Guidance System for Machinery The Study on Position Measurement and Control System of Bias Unit in the Rotary Steerable Drilling Tool
  9. Research of erect Crack about Deflexion Magnetic Core
  10. The research of closed loop tension measure system for deflexion loop
  11. Deflexion of transmitting array beams is realized with a simple digital circuit in the phased array.
  12. Based on the strength calculation of main girder on two transporter cranes using finite element method and field measurement of the working stress, this paper analyses the causes for the cantilevered end deflexion of the main girder and presents the repair procedure as well as the after-repair status.
  13. The stress expression of the whisker tip was got on the basis of modifying the shear lag theory. The expression to forecast the corporate toughening effect of whisker bridging, whisker evulsion and crackle deflexion was derived.
  14. This paper discusses the mechanism of the propagation of elastic surface wave, presented a method that use the tip of atomic force microscopy and beam deflexion method to on line detect the nanometer vibration of the particle in the surface wave.
  15. The response of mechanism deflexion is slowly, which velocity and precision are confinement each other.
  16. We gather a set of economically feasible technical criteria on linearity 、 squareness 、 deflexion 、 pitch and oscillation of sliding guide etc, and make the survey accuracy of the machine tool hit 63.2 μ m, and meet accuracy requirement.
  17. In the rupture process of the composite, crack deflexion, crystal evulsion, and rupture through crystal could be observed.
  18. It compute the parameter of deflexion caused by thermal distortion in orbit, deduce the general expression for spreading beam after thermal distortion of reflector and the center deflexion of facula received in CCD.
  19. Application of the Finite Difference to the Calculation of the Deflexion of the Steel Column of the Contact-line
  20. Calculation of deflexion of frame at collapse and its effect on collapse load
  21. There are two main transferring ways of controlling Laser beam in space: acousto-optic deflexion and mechanism deflexion, the driving system of acousto-optic deflexion is complex and the dispersion is serious.
  22. In production, analyze how the modify of the thickness of its main, subsidiary angle iron influences the whole steel column ′ s deflexion with this arithmetic also, and here by control the weight of the materials and make its shape size measure up to the standard.
  23. It is suggested that fibre pulling out and interbedded crack deflexion are the major toughing mechanism in the asymmetrical FGM.
  24. Secondly, the magneto-cause deflexion effect of LC is detailed studied in area of visible light.
  25. On the collection of iris image, there is a rotate angle between the collected iris image and the original iris image in the database because of the deflexion of the face or the turn of the eyeball.
  26. On the base of the model of residual stress, the stress state between matrix and crystal was analyzed. With the introduction to the theory of crack deflexion, the effect of different aspect ratios of crystals on toughen was discussed.
  27. By using this character, light deflexion implement and light modulator are made.
  28. The flow field of cutting comminution is simulated and analysed by computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT. From which we received the impeller form and deflexion angle of blade most in favor of cutting comminution, and proved that the high-speed cutting comminution have a economic rotational speed.
  29. For example, how to match the CVT with dynamic system? How much key structure factors are there in CVT and how to define them? The belt will deflect while CVT is working. How to increase the life of the belt according to deflexion?



  1. a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern)
    1. a diversion from the main highway
    2. a digression into irrelevant details
    3. a deflection from his goal

    Synonym:    diversiondeviationdigressiondeflectiondivagation

  2. the property of being bent or deflected

      Synonym:    deflectionbending

    1. the movement of the pointer or pen of a measuring instrument from its zero position

        Synonym:    deflection

      1. the amount by which a propagating wave is bent

          Synonym:    deflectionrefraction