
英 [ˌdeɪɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 美 [ˌdeɪɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]

n.  神化;奉若神明

BNC.39500 / COCA.34074


  1. N-UNCOUNT 神化;奉若神明
    If you talk about the deification of someone or something, you mean that they are regarded with very great respect and are not criticized at all.
    1. ...the deification of science in the 1940s.
      20 世纪 40 年代对科学的神化


  1. It was a sort of admiration at a distance, a mute contemplation, the deification of a stranger.
  2. Bamboo is regarded as a symbol of high reproduction because of its vigorous vitality and unique shape. The generative adoration of bamboo includes genitalia adoration and deification.
  3. Exaltation to divine rank or stature; deification.
  4. Deification of the little hero& The protagonists of children fictions Getting the resource of class conflict from the real life
  5. The study of Confucian classics is the direct product of imperial thinking, whose genesis is closely related to the deification movement in the late period of the Warring States.
  6. However, Shakespeare advocated more natural deification, Cervantes put the talent of writers on a remarkable position, reinforcing human abilities and values and regarded human beings as the creature of limitless creativity.
  7. They superimposed astrology, the use of the zodiac, and the deification of the four seasons onto the Persian rites of Mithraism.
  8. Such as Romance of three kingdoms, journey to the west, The legend of deification and Outlaws of the marsh.
  9. And for Nietzsche too the view is associated with the deification of all life, it's not just good but holy.
  10. Love for the leader is essentially an expression of love for the interests of the Party, the working class and the people, and not the deification of an individual.
  11. The distinctive characteristic of traditional energetic culture made inheritance process to perform characteristics of blood relationship and deification.
  12. By differentiating the concept of property rights, this paper points out the view to oppose the deification of the property rights and the necessary for the building of the enterprise property rights transaction market ( EPRTM).
  13. The deification, conferment and reward, slow-insult and slaughter were four aspects of his ruling techniques.
  14. Peoples'respect for the ancestors in this period makes it come into being and later Taoism's rise and development as well as the deification of Huang Di promotes its formation.
  15. The chief moral characters of value for "emptiness" are complete sincerity, complete benevolence, perfect harmony and deification.
  16. Promoting deification of the brand.
  17. Mechanical Copy and Deification of TV Media& A Discussion of Modern TV Media's Negative Characteristics
  18. This paper states the deification, type and characteristics of SDI service and digitalization periodical.
  19. Global Deification in Chinese Context Read "Leaders" in Gold, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth of Luo Xiaoping
  20. Applying to the methods of Historical anthropology, this papper analyses the deification process of an ancient lady in the southern region of Jiangxi Province.
  21. In the over-3300 years, this culture has experienced three types of evolution: from natural creature to personification, from personification to deification, and from deification to scientific recognition.
  22. Due to the limitation of various subjective and objective conditions, the ancient people fear of a lot of unknown things and contact and deification, as a result, many of the distinctive folk faith formed.
  23. First, it shows the deification to nature and human, and the attention to life, also include his unique concept of life and death.
  24. Civil Zhaojun the deification of the literati and the praise of Zhaojun is affecting each other, so deified in this paper to study the civil Zhaojun as the main target, but also of the literati and have a tendency to deify.
  25. Should not be simply to Zhaojun deified as a "superstition" and be negative, civil deification of the outstanding historical figures placed the ideal aspirations of their own evaluation, a reasonable meaning.
  26. Many stories were told about his deification.
  27. Finally, a prototype of the Wei and Jin tomb beast and flow of the investigation, made Unicorn Han, Jin tomb beast is the prototype of ancient Chinese rhinoceros, is one of the rhinoceros been blurred, the deification of the product.
  28. We should not only get back to reality from the deification, but also guide teachers to seek their interests fairly. Thirdly, to promote the internalization of professional ethics.
  29. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms has the overall arrangement of deification, classification and scattered distribution.



  1. the elevation of a person (as to the status of a god)

      Synonym:    exaltationapotheosis

    1. an embodiment of the qualities of a god
      1. the capitalists' deification of capital

    2. the condition of being treated like a god