If you've read the news, it was a summer of torrential rains, landslides and deluges along the route that we've driven. 如果你看了新闻,应该知道在这个夏天,我们一路上遇到的都是暴雨、山体滑坡和洪水。
In fact, an ice-dammed lake in the Altay Mountains had released deluges of comparable scale to the Missoula floods. 实际上,阿尔泰山脉的冰坝湖曾经释放出的洪水,其规模足以和密苏拉洪水媲美。
The slow pulling down of thick green stalks so that the cup of the flower, as it turns over, deluges one with purple and red light. 粗大的绿色茎条慢慢地被拉得弯曲下来,杯盏形的花倾覆了,它那紫色和红色的光芒笼罩着人们。
Others blame deluges of a more metaphorical kind: floods of capital from abroad or floods of lending at home. 也有人认为罪魁是另一种洪流:外国资本流或是国内信贷流。
However, tax loss deluges in the collection and management of personal income tax due to several reasons, which makes its role of regulating income distribution not be well played. 但是由于诸多因素,在个人所得税征收管理过程中存在大量税收流失现象,而且其调节社会收入分配的功能尚未得到充分发挥。