Happiness And Peace Prayed Yearningly By Illuminant Reappear Through Hours, Deluging After You 受过光芒祝福的快乐与平安在你身后如潮水一般涌来
The dialectic relationship between packaging behavior and sales of product was analyzed with the rationale and changes of design aiming at the phenomena of deluging stylized packaging. 面对商品竞争中包装程式化现象泛滥,文章用设计的理术和变术分析产品包装行为与其销售状态间的辩证关系。
Press releases began deluging newsrooms, touting the benefits of antibacterial miracle compounds ranging from silver to honey. 新闻稿开始淹没了编辑部,吹捧抗菌素的神效带来的好处。
The deluging of malicious websites always come with or lead to outbreaks of malicious code such as viruses and Trojan, and the destructive affections cannot be overlooked. 恶意网站的泛滥,往往会伴随或导致病毒或者木马等恶意代码的爆发,其破坏性不容小视。