N-COUNT 民主党党员;民主党支持者 A Democrat is a member or supporter of a particular political party which has the word 'democrat' or 'democratic' in its title, for example the Democratic Party in the United States.
...a senior Christian Democrat... 资深的基督教民主党党员
Congressman Tom Downey is a Democrat from New York. 国会议员汤姆·唐尼是来自纽约州的一名民主党人。
N-COUNT 民主主义者;民主人士 A democrat is a person who believes in the ideals of democracy, personal freedom, and equality.
This is the time for democrats and not dictators. 现在需要的是民主主义者,而不是独裁者。
The Social Democrats say they are ready after all to begin talks on joining a coalition government. 社会民主党人竟然说他们准备开始谈判加入联合政府了。
The President could continue to bash Democrats as being soft on crime. 总统可能会继续抨击民主党人对待犯罪活动心慈手软。
The press release provoked furious protests from the Gore camp and other top Democrats. 这份媒体发布的声明激起了戈尔阵营以及其他民主党高层人士的愤怒抗议。
The Social Democrats could still carry out their threat to leave the government 社会民主党人仍有可能将其退出政府的威胁付诸实施。
Democrats have been worried about being cast as the party of the poor 民主党人一直担心被描绘成穷人的政党。
The Democrats have become a party of the centre. 民主党成了中立的党派。
He said they were conducting a campaign against democrats across the country 他说他们正在全国开展反对民主党人的运动。
The committee contains 11 Democrats and nine Republicans. 这个委员会包括11名民主党人和9名共和党人。
This is the time for democrats and not dictators. 现在需要的是民主主义者,而不是独裁者。
The democrats are divided over whether to admit him into their group 民主党人就是否允许他加入他们的组织意见不一。
The legislation was drafted by House Democrats. 法律由众议院民主党草拟。
Democrats say the petition will eviscerate state government. 民主党人说这次请愿将会重创州政府。
Sir Anthony was a keen fundraiser for the Liberal Democrats. 安东尼爵士是自由民主党热心的资金筹集者。
For the first time in 12 years, the Democrats are giving as good as they get. 民主党人12年来首次予以反击。
Democrats and Republicans differed right down the line on what the proper responses were. 民主党与共和党就何为恰当的反应处处针锋相对。
The Christian Democrats did marginally worse than expected 基督教民主党人的表现比预期稍有逊色。
It is not clear whether the president is willing to negotiate with the democrats 还不清楚总统是否愿意和民主人士洽谈。
Now, as for the Democrats, they've been able to use this issue quite effectively to portray the president as insensitive. 然而,对民主党人来说,他们成功利用了这个问题来渲染总统的麻木不仁。
By rights the Social Democrats ought to be the favourites in the election. But nothing looks less certain 社会民主党按理应该最有希望赢得这次选举,但一切从未如此不确定过。
Democrats will complain he overemphasizes punishment at the expense of prevention and treatment. 民主党人会抱怨他过分看重惩罚,而忽视了预防和解决措施。
The Democrats are pinning their hopes on the next election. 民主党人把希望寄托在下次选举上。
The Democrats were ready to pounce on any Republican failings or mistakes 民主党人随时准备揪出共和党人的过失或错误。
The government was still in effect a ragbag of Social Democrats and Liberals. 该政府实际上仍是一个由社会民主党和自由党混合组成的大杂烩。
This roused my interest in politics and I went to work for the Democrats. 这激发了我对政治的兴趣,于是我开始效力于民主党。
Republicans are furious that the Democrats currently seem to be making all the running. 现在民主党人好像成了领头羊,这让共和党人非常愤怒。
He won the election because the Democrats self-destructed in their primary. 民主党在初选中自毁长城,所以才让他赢得了选举。
He has the Democrats on his side 他有民主党人的支持。
There was a massive twenty per cent swing away from the Conservatives to the Liberal Democrats 出现了一个巨大转变:多达20%的人由支持保守党转而支持自由民主党。
Democrats were reluctant to take on a president whose popularity ratings were historically high 民主党人不愿与一位有史以来民众支持率最高的总统较量。
He faces growing unease among the Democrats about the likelihood of war. 他面临民主党内对可能出现的战事不断滋长的不满情绪。