
英 [ˌdɛməˈlɪʃənz] 美 [ˌdɛməˈlɪʃənz]

n.  (建筑物的)摧毁,拆毁,拆除


  1. N-VAR (建筑物的)摧毁,拆毁,拆除
    The demolition of a building is the act of deliberately destroying it, often in order to build something else in its place.
    1. The project required the total demolition of the old bridge...
    2. The High Court has granted permission for the demolition work to continue.
  2. N-UNCOUNT (体育运动等中的)大败,击溃
    The demolition of a team or opponent is their defeat by a great amount.
    1. ...Lazio's impressive 3-1 demolition of Inter Milan.
      拉齐奥队以 3 比 1 大比分击败国际米兰队


  1. In consequence of demolitions and reconstructions, the Paris of his youth, that Paris which he bore away religiously in his memory, is now a Paris of days gone by.
  2. About our life, our community, the home demolitions, homeless families, the children in our camp
  3. Randy Couture as Toll Road, an Expendable and demolitions expert.
  4. See if you can find before and after pictures of demolitions in the area.
  5. The demolitions finally led to a confrontation on Friday, in which an employee of an advertisement company suffered a broken nose during a beating.
  6. The incident, which occurred in Zhangjiaying village of Xingtai, was the latest in a string of tragedies caused by forced demolitions that have been widely criticized.
  7. Within the limits of the underwater cultural relics protection units and underwater cultural relics reserves, any activities that may jeopardize the safety of the underwater cultural relics, such as fishing and demolitions, shall be prohibited.
  8. The Permit Holder shall notify the Director of the timing of the demolition of the chimneys at least one week before the demolitions take place.
  9. And what about the hundreds of acres of land ostensibly freed by the demolitions?
  10. Necessity of The Clean Production in Demolitions Business for Civil Use
  11. The calculation method of charge quantity, charge arrangement pattern and blasting safety measures described in this paper could be referential to other similar structure demolitions by hydraulic blasting method.
  12. With the rapid development of the shipping industry and world economy, the demolitions of ship are also increasing every year.
  13. There is one old anonymous craftsman in Suzhou has said," The room, the more divisions the bigger, the more demolitions the smaller. "It actually means that the change of dimension directs the psychological effect of people.
  14. Levied in the real process, due to a lack of respect for private rights, forced demolitions of events have occurred; the current land expropriation system has been unable to protect the land rights of farmers to protect land resources.
  15. The amendment of the constitution in 2004 and the enaction of the property law which have strengthened the protection to the rights of the citizens have given us the good opportunities for inspecting and solving the problems existing in the house demolitions.
  16. Tanker demolitions are the most important indicators to measure the market trend of tanker recycling industry, which best reflect the level of ship recycling market activity.