During the Romanesque, sinister and depressing fears of the last judgement dominated such depictions. 在最后判决的罗马,险恶和沮丧恐惧主导的描写。
I wore out that book trying to match the live, flying birds to their depictions in that field guide. 我努力想找到书中描述的那些活的飞翔的鸟儿,所以那本书都被我翻破了。
South Korea is imagined in accordance with those depictions in TV dramas, which is good national branding, says Zhou. 人们会根据电视剧里的描写来设想韩国,这是很好的国家品牌宣传。周颖说。
The study involved having bilingual and monolingual children look at images of animals or depictions of colors on a computer screen. 研究中,会讲两种语言和只会讲一种语言的孩子看着电脑屏幕上动物的图片或者彩色的描绘。
They are unique and authentic depictions of what you experienced in that solemn and stirring earthquake-relief campaign. 这不是一般的画作,是你们在那场悲壮的抗震救灾中亲身经历的真实写照。
Sex scenes or depictions of excessive drinking, smoking and other bad habits are a no-go. 性爱场景,以及对酗酒、吸烟和其他坏习惯的描绘不宜出现。
The sundry color murals found on a traditional Chinese building range from outlines of dragons and phoenixes to depictions of myths to paintings of landscapes, flowers, and birds. 在传统中国建筑上可以找到各式各样的彩色壁画,这其中有龙、凤的轮廓,有对神话的叙述,也有风景、花卉、鸟类的画作。
Maxime Aubert and Adam Brumm, research fellows at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia, and the leaders of the study, examined 12 images of human hands and two figurative animal depictions at the cave sites. 澳大利亚昆士兰格里菲斯大学(GriffithUniversity)的两名研究人员马克西姆·奥贝特(MaximeAubert)和亚当·布鲁姆(AdamBrumm)是团队带头人。他们对洞中12幅人类手部图画及两幅具象动物图画进行了检测。
One teacher interviewed for the study said that the cultural awareness training she received as part of her continuing education included depictions of Latino boys as aggressive and really macho and of the girls as pure sweetness. 研究中接受采访的一位老师说,她所接受的继续教育中的文化意识培训部分把拉丁美洲男孩描述成好斗的、真正大男子主义的的人,而对女孩子的描述是清纯可人。
But artists who venture into political satire like other government critics often say they feel ostracized and harassed, and unflattering depictions of political leaders can lead to lawsuits and even criminal defamation charges. 但是大胆进行政治讽刺的艺术家,乃至其他批评政府的人经常声称感觉被排斥和骚扰,对政治领袖们毫不奉承的描述可能导致诉讼,甚至被判诽谤罪。
LS Lowry, with his depictions of everyday northern life, is one of Britain's best loved painters. LS劳里的画作描述了北方民众的日常生活,他因此成为英国最受追捧的画家之一。
Rather than realistic, observational depictions, the tigers convulse across the paper in explosions of pigment and gunpowder. 画中的老虎并非以写实观察的手法描绘,而是透过火药和色块的爆发在纸面上抖动。
Everywhere in his work, we can see bold descriptions of bush scenes, depictions of the people, and praise of the Bush Legends. 在他的作品中,到处可见对丛林场景的描写,对丛林人物的刻画,以及对丛林精神的歌颂。
Taiwanese films have been kept out of China in the past partly because they were much more open in dealing with political conflicts, such as A City of Sadness, or in depictions of nudity. 过去台湾电影被挡在大陆市场门外,部分原因是它们在处理政治冲突如《悲情城市》一片或表现裸体场景方面比大陆开放得多。
Byzantine depictions of the burial of christ. 描绘耶稣葬礼的拜占庭绘画。
They are intimate depictions of RongRong and inri's private life at Liu Li Tun. 它们是对荣荣和映里在六里屯的私生活所做的深入描绘。
Using a variety of techniques, these depictions are often used to convey subtle but recognizable meanings. 虽然工艺不同,这些装饰图案都委婉地表达出其比喻意义。
Some people have seen Dostoevsky's novels as prophetic depictions of life under the Soviet regime. 有些人看到了陀斯妥耶夫斯基小说的预言下的生活描写的苏维埃政权。
Deficiency is the psychological description is overmuch, can be in action, rub depictions of some more, in addition, can also add environment description, this article will look more vivid. 不足之处是心理描写过多,可以在动作、场面上的描写多一些,另外,还可以加入环境描写,这样文章会显得更生动。
A gold necklace with intricate depictions of animals. 一条刻有未知神兽的金项链。
Chai Yiming looks at our impressive capacity for forgetting with ink depictions of vehicles speeding along a highway, a metaphor for speed and those that are left in the wake of development. 柴一茗以水墨描绘了在高速公路上飞速行驶的汽车,审视了令我们印象深刻的遗忘的能力,以速度来隐喻那些在发展过程中被遗留下的人们。
Dr Bernstein admits, though, that many film depictions of psychiatry and mental disorders are terrible. 不过,伯恩斯坦承认,许多影片对精神病学和精神失常的描述很骇人。
Q3.In depictions of God Rama, he is famously holding what in his right hand? 教义中描述的罗摩神,他的右手握着什么?
Curry: american painter noted for his vigorous depictions of the rural american scene, such as Tornado over Kansas ( 1929). 柯里:美国画家,以其对美国乡土风情的充满活力的描述而著称,如《堪萨斯河上的飓风》(1929年)。
Depictions such as these likely inspired the designs of the ships found buried by the Great Pyramid at Giza. 类似于这样的描画可能激发了对吉萨的大金字塔旁埋藏的太阳船的设计。
But they are faithful historical depictions. 但是它们都忠实于历史上的描写。
Depictions in words put down by our predecessors, no matter how vivid they are, are incapable of reconstructing the monumental image of these buildings. 前人对它们的文字记述,无论如何生动,也不能重建其雄伟的形象。
Provide graphic depictions of the disastrous consequences of smoking and secondhand smoke. 提供描绘吸烟和吸二手烟带来的灾难性后果的图像。
The process involved the showing of films of people being injured or killed in a variety of ways, starting with very mild depictions, leading up to the more extreme forms of mayhem. 这个训练过程包括放映人们被利用各种方法伤害或杀死的电影,开始是用一种非常温和的方式,为更极端的伤害方式做准备。