Our fur-clad descendents will be crouched over fires. 我们的子孙将穿裘裹皮,蜷缩在火堆旁。
But now, each program presents young people from all over the world, at least descendents of people from all over the world. 但现在,每期节目都有来自世界各地的学生参加,至少也是来自世界各地人们的后裔。
How severely our descendents will criticize us if we leave them a barren and lifeless mother? 如果我们留给他们的是一位贫瘠、毫无生气的母亲,那么我们会受到子孙们何等严厉的批评?
Today, the descendents of two prominent highland clans, the Duke of Argyll and the Duke of Atholl, hold strongly opposing views about it. 今天,苏格兰高地人的两个重要的宗族的后裔阿盖尔公爵和阿索尔公爵对此持截然不同的看法。
Its modern Yemeni descendents are closely related to the modern Semitic languages of Ethiopia, including Amharic, the national language. 现代流传下来的也门语和现代埃塞俄比亚闪米特语(包括阿比西尼亚语,官方语言)紧密联系。
The Press and drag hand to select test objects method selects an object and all the descendents of the selected object. Pressanddraghandtoselecttestobjects方法选择一个对象以及所选对象的所有下级对象。
Descendent data& A list of immediate descendents and their details. 子调用数据&一列直接子调用及其详情。
The starting point is a root node ( the root node is the base of the tree; all other nodes are descendents of this node). 起始点是一个rootnode(根节点是树的根基,所有其他节点都是这个节点的后代)。
Instead, it creates a clone of the source node and its descendents that you can then insert into the destination document. 相反,它先创建源节点及其下属节点的一个克隆版本,再将这个克隆版本插入到目标文档中。
And with that information, it searches for an object that has the given property value among the descendents of the parent TestObject. 利用这些信息,该方法可以在父TestObject的派生项中搜索包含给定属性值的对象。
You would know this place as the Cradle of Civilization, the story of Adam and Eve and their descendents. 你知道这个地方作为文明的发源地,亚当和夏娃及他们后代的故事。
Or setting forth from todos Santos in Guatemala, down paths impassable to jeeps, in search of the radiant textiles woven by descendents of the Maya. 或者,我会从危地马拉的托多斯桑托斯(todossantos)出发,沿吉普车无法通行的小路,一路寻找玛雅人后代编织的闪亮纺织品。
Arkham: Impressive. I expected nothing less from the Devil's descendents. 雅克罕姆:精彩,我对恶魔后裔的期望一向很高。
How can I kill all descendents of a process? 我怎样杀死一个进程的所有派生进程?
As a consequence, more of their descendents survived and bore the variant lactase gene. 其结果是,他们的更多后代生存了下来,携带着乳糖基因的这个变种。
Then humans, the wretched descendents of Adams as the scripture tells within the eon, have been meditating such questions as why creatures exist. 人类,根据万古流传的经文传说,是那亚当的子孙,一直在思考着生物为什么存在于世的问题。
No descendents to show reverence to ancestors. 没有后代对祖先表现敬畏和尊敬。
Historical recordings and primitive cultural relics prove that Bulang People today in Changning are aborigines, descendents of Pu People inhabiting in Changning in the earliest period. 最早居住在昌宁县境内的是蒲(濮)人,今昌宁布朗族是古代蒲人的后裔,是昌宁县的土著民族。
Today descendents of immigrants from around the world call themselves Joburgers and they are added to daily by a continual stream of migrants, keen to have some of the city's shine rub off on them. 如今,来自世界各国移民的后代把自己称作“Joburger”,并且每天,到此移居的人流不断,他们都热切期盼约翰内斯堡的阳光能洒在自己身上。
Unchecked exceptions which are descendents of RuntimeException class are the ideal candidate exceptions handle non-recoverable errors such as resource non-availability or some null pointers. 未检查异常作为运行时Exception类是理想的异常侯选处理不可恢复性出错,如资源不可用或者空指针。
Their descendents continue to live today. 他们的后代现今仍然存活。
This comes from the traditional concept of Japanese being descendents of the sun. 日本人见面打呼时说。
The people on both sides of the Taiwan straits, Chinese descendents residing abroad and the people of all countries who feel goodwill toward the Chinese people are gratified at the results of our prolonged efforts and are inspired by the prospects of china's peaceful reunification. 两岸人民、海外华夏子孙,以及世界上所有对中国人民怀有善意的人们,都为我们长期努力的成果感到欣慰,为中国和平统一的前景感到鼓舞。
For many readers of this newspaper, descendents of the Enlightenment and rationalists all, such a view might seem self-evident. 对本报的很多读者来讲,这个观点是不言自明的,因为他们都是文化启明运动和理性主义的后裔。
Crash reflects that the lack of communication between couples, mother and son, the colleagues, descendents of difference races, which serve as the catalyst of many thing that should not have happened. 《撞车》折射出现实社会中由于缺少夫妻的沟通,母子的沟通,同僚的沟通,不同族裔的沟通,因此发生了许多不该发生的事情。
Territory held today by a given nation-state in the past likely belonged to a different political entity, one with other descendents. 某个民族国家今天拥有的疆域,在过去很可能属于不同的政治实体,有着不同的后裔。
The annotating notes of this book is very concise, in which some of them have influenced the descendents in somed degree both in home and abroard. 该书注解简洁,部分注文精辟且有新意,对后世注解医经产生了一定影响。
They call it the first coordinated effort by Palestinian refugees or their descendents to enter Israel. 他们称这次是巴勒斯坦难民和他们的后代首次闯入以色列的协同行动。
Through the way that descendents offer the sacrifices to their ancestor, the worship of ancestors has been made concrete. 通过死者的子孙对死者的祭祀,把对祖先崇拜具体化了。
What's more, damaged resource-support system has threatened the exploration and use of land resource for our descendents. 由于破坏了人类的“资源支撑系统”,在一定程度上也威胁到了我国后代人合理开发利用土地资源。