His army of despoilers caused a great deal of destruction and left many people in a state of destitution. 他的掠夺成性的军队给国家、人民造成巨大的破坏,很多人生活再贫困当中。
At first sight, this family presented no very special feature except its extreme destitution; the father, when he hired the chamber, had stated that his name was Jondrette. 这人家,乍一看。除了那种一贫如洗的窘相外,似乎也没有什么很特殊的地方,那个家长,在开始租用那间屋子时,自称姓容德雷特。
As a result of the war, the fields lay waste and the people lived in destitution. 战争使得田园荒芜,民生凋敝。
The elimination of destitution, the millennial curse of humanity, is in sight, provided we find a way to spread the benefits of market-led development elsewhere-to sub-Saharan Africa, above all. 倘若我们找到一种方式,将市场引领的发展带来的利益传播到其他地区(首先传播到撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区),那就有望消灭贫困这个人类千年的祸根。
She laid her case of destitution before him in a very moving letter-N. Hawthorne. 在一封感人至深的信中她向他表述了她的穷困情形-n.华索恩。
You'll save your sisters from destitution. 你可以让姐妹们脱离贫穷。
In 1993, she gave twice, explaining in a letter that she had seen "more suffering and more destitution" than usual. 1993年她捐了两次,在信中她解释说是因为她看到当年比平时有更多的人受苦井陷入困境。
Seminar on extreme poverty and the denial of human rights He reach the excess of destitution from which he never rose again. 他走到了贫困的极端,从此一蹶不振。
Increasingly, cities are suffering simultaneously the problems of poverty and affluence: pollution and destitution. 城市同时受到贫困和富裕产生的难题&污染和赤贫的困扰。
We pursued the policy of "self-seclusion" in the past, resulting in "the destitution of the people and exhaustion of the financial resource". 过去实行“闭关自守”政策,结果搞得“民穷财困”。
But poverty in America, as defined by the Census Bureau, does not mean destitution. 人口局所定义的贫困并不意味着贫穷。
What they all had in common was their universal destitution, and the grey sky overhead. 他们都有什么共同之处是他们普遍的贫穷,并且灰色的天空。
In some regions the types of mental and physical destitution were without parallel. 在有些地区里,精神上和物质上的贫乏的情况是无法比拟的。
Some object to this judgment: has destitution not disappeared from high-income countries and is it not diminishing in the developing world? 有些人反对这一观点:高收入国家的贫困现象难道没有销声匿迹?发展中国家的贫困难道没有日益减少吗?
By telling the story of a grand feudal family from prosperity to destitution, the novel sounded the death knell of the feudal society. 以描写显赫封建望族的兴荣衰败,敲响了中国封建社会的丧钟。
The dollar-a-day definition of global destitution made its debut in the bank's1990 World Development Report. 世界银行的《1990年世界发展报告》中初次定义了全球贫困线&1天1美元。
The USSR did that without proper planning and it ripped the country apart, forcing it into near destitution. I don; 苏联当初这么做了,但是没有一个合适的计划,导致它把国家分成区块后,却使自己接近赤贫。
Destitution has become a major problem in the capital city. 赤贫已经成为首都的主要问题。
This is a mark of success for the fight against poverty. Millions have been lifted out of destitution. 这标志着消除贫困的努力取得了成功,世行已帮助数百万人走出了贫困状态。
The aftermath of the 1929 crash was marked by an even more dramatic sense of retribution: not only did bankers end up in jail, but popular culture resonated with stories about financial executives whose homes were repossessed and who were driven into destitution, or worse. 1929年股市崩盘过后,恶有恶报的意味更加强烈:不仅银行家们锒铛入狱,大众文化中还到处流传着金融高管豪宅被收、穷困潦倒、或者更为悲惨的故事。
However, the deep-rooted feudal ideology, the friction between the KMT and CPC, the subjective working style and the political corruption and economic destitution in the areas ruled by the KMT hindered the effective mobilization of women. 但根深蒂固的封建思想、国共之间的摩擦、主观主义的工作作风和国统区政治腐败、民生凋敝也影响了对妇女进行更有效的动员。
Cultural Way out of the Destitution of the Countryside& On Jia Ping-ao's Native Novels 凋敝乡村的文化出路&贾平凹乡土小说纵论
The successive wars, political corruptions and the destitution of people's life restricted the function of the railway and hindered the healthy development of Xuzhou's economy. 可惜连年战争,政治腐败,民生凋敝限制了铁路功能的充分发挥,阻碍了经济的健康发展。
His political poems truly record the social life of that time, exposing the rulers 'tyranny and greed, and expressing homeland remembering and the outrage to the wars leading to people the destitution. 他的刺政诗真实记录了当时的社会生活,揭露了统治者的暴虐贪婪,抒发了对故国家园的怀念和对战争导致民不聊生的愤慨。
And at last the city began to decline with the rural destitution. 最终,城市也将随着国内乡村的破败走向灭亡。
In 1969, Beckett was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature "for his writing, which in new forms for the novel and drama in the destitution of modern man acquires its elevation". 1969年,由于他具有新奇形式的小说、戏剧作品,使现代人从贫困的境地得到了振奋,贝克特获得了诺贝尔文学奖。