
美 [dɪˈtɜrmɪnəˌtɪv]

adj.  决定的, 限定的, 确定的
n.  决定性事情(或情况)

BNC.40933 / COCA.28396


  1. The disparity between the majority's and the dissent's approach in Leonard clearly illustrates how the framing of the rights at issue in the case can be determinative.
  2. Corporate Governance is the determinative aspect in the company system.
  3. The success of reform of public ownership economy has a determinative effect on the chance of victory or defeat of the whole economic system reform.
  4. Generalized Quantifier Theory for Natural Language Determinative of Research A Study of the Relationship between the Vocabulary Learned and the Word Guessing Strategy
  5. Proximate Cause is a reason that is in the domination position or arouses determinative function, even it is not the most recent according to time. Mr.
  6. Density is not a determinative factor for slope ET, its function is more on regulating the value of T and the ratio of T/ ET.
  7. The crucial experiment; cast the deciding vote; the determinative ( or determinant) battle.
  8. Among all the jetton, the attitudes and the measures of the governments are the most determinative, as the administration supported by a state has overwhelming advantage over individual being.
  9. These results led us to conclude that processing speed and working memory play determinative roles in cognitive aging.
  10. At last, the author generally analyzes the influence factor and determinative factor.
  11. The paper gives the evaluation model of corporate governance value on the basis of research on formation and determinative factors of corporate governance value.
  12. The determinative principle to carrier's liability is the most attractive content in carrier's liability system in carriage of goods by sea.
  13. Sedimentation is the determinative factor which affects the quality of reservoir and different diagenesises is in connection with the distribution of sedimentary microfacies.
  14. This paper advance a conception of economical process capability index and give a determinative approach of selection and control area of economical process capability index, which help enterprises to carry out the process quality control economically and rationally.
  15. Therefore we conclude that the precise form of the interaction is not determinative.
  16. Bilateral act has the prior determinative force when both sides agree with each other, and for unilateral act, it just needs declaration of will of one side.
  17. First, adopts the determinative and stochastic searching method to make selection;
  18. At first we deeply discuss and analyze no-line-of-sight error, the determinative factor resulting in serious location accuracy.
  19. The research provides the theoretical and data basis for the transition from the determinative design method to probabilistic one.
  20. Our government's macroscopical control is a determinative force to promote the reform of our coal enterprises.
  21. Most of them emphasize determinative effect of system on modern department.
  22. This paper analyzes the determinative factors of the land use and land cover change at the Yellow River Delta.
  23. So it has determinative importance for improving the reliability of power supply.
  24. Correlation and path analysis showed that, among different sampling parameters, sampling scale was the determinative parameter;
  25. Logistics and capital flow, information flow are two determinative factors of upper-hierarchy.
  26. New economic growth theory focused on the analysis of the determinative role of technological progress and its realizing mechanism.
  27. For producer and operator the basic goal is to clarify the difference of use value of goods and wealth, of their constant organization of produces and the determinative motivation.
  28. Because the situation of the institution determines its space and boundary, it is of determinative significance for the breakthrough of institution innovation to change and improve the environment of institution.
  29. Ammonifiers, nitrobacteria and denitrifying bacteria play a determinative role in these three processes.



  1. a determining or causal element or factor
    1. education is an important determinant of one's outlook on life

    Synonym:    determinantdeterminerdetermining factorcausal factor

  2. one of a limited class of noun modifiers that determine the referents of noun phrases

      Synonym:    determiner


    1. having the power or quality of deciding
      1. the crucial experiment
      2. cast the deciding vote
      3. the determinative (or determinant) battle

      Synonym:    deciding(a)determinantdetermining(a)