She was a diminutive figure beside her husband. 她同丈夫比起来就像个小人。
指小词,指小词缀(如piglet小猪,kitchenette小厨房) a word or an ending of a word that shows that sb/sth is small, for example piglet (= a young pig) , kitchenette (= a small kitchen)
(单词,尤指名字的)非正式缩略形式 a short informal form of a word, especially a name
‘Nick’ is a common diminutive of ‘Nicholas’. Nick是Nicholas的常用简称。
ADJ-GRADED 很小的;微小的 A diminutive person or object is very small.
She noticed a diminutive figure standing at the entrance. 她注意到入口处站着一个小小的身影。
昵称;爱称 A diminutive is an informal form of a name. For example, 'Jim' and 'Jimmy' are diminutives of 'James'.
指小词缀(表示亲昵或某东西很小的后缀,如 -ie 和 -ette) A diminutive is a suffix which is added to a word to show affection or to indicate that something is small. For example, '-ie' and '-ette' are diminutives, for example in 'doggie' and 'statuette'.
She noticed a diminutive figure standing at the entrance. 她注意到入口处站着一个小小的身影。
It was diminutive in size, but it opened the door to a greatly increased flow of visitors. 机场规模虽然不大,但却为大量涌入的游客打开了方便之门。
The six-month filming marathon revolved around the eating, sleeping and resting habits of its diminutive divas. 六个月的拍摄周期,都围绕小宝宝们的饮食、睡眠和休息习惯进行。
Belgium and Uruguay are two diminutive countries that have maximized their advantages through inclusiveness, and of which Brazil, Argentina, Spain and Germany the quartet of forerunners for this year's title will rightly be wary. 比利时和乌拉圭这两个袖珍之国因为包容性最大限度地增强了自己的实力,巴西、阿根廷、西班牙和德国这四个本届杯赛的夺冠大热门肯定会对他们特别小心。
These ponies are diminutive in size but hard as nails. 这些小马个子不大,却很结实。
Sue is a diminutive of Susan. Sue是Susan的亲昵称呼。
Autofluorescence imaging of a diminutive, depressed-type early colon cancer invaded to the submucosal layer. 小的凹陷性的侵入粘膜下层的早期结肠癌的自体荧光图像。
She has diminutive hands for an adult. 作为一个成年人,她的手显得非常小。
Space without greatness loses diminutive, and Time without past loses future. 空间没有大失去小,时间没有过去失去未来。
She bought a diminutive toy for her daughter. 她给女儿买了个小巧可爱的玩具。
Immediately, a diminutive gentleman picked it up and read it. 一个个头极小的先生立即捡起来看了一遍。
The flowers simultaneously seem to be dead and loom ominously over a diminutive, standing self-portrait. 垂死的花朵隐隐在一幅站着的小型自画像上方出现。
Diminutive in stature; a lilliputian chest of drawers; her petite figure; tiny feet. 身材袖珍;抽屉的小厨柜;她瘦小的外形;纤细的足。
Any of numerous small rodents typically resembling diminutive rats having pointed snouts and small ears on elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails. 多种小型啮齿动物,特征象小老鼠,有突出的嘴、小耳朵、细长的身体和通常无毛的尾巴。
She is short and plump. He was a diminutive commander. 她的身材矮而丰满。他是一位身材矮小的司令官。
He paused for a moment while gathering his nerve, and pressed himself against her diminutive form. 他稍稍停顿了一下凝聚了自己的勇气,然后压向她那娇小的身躯。
Past retirement age, the diminutive Dr. Lin is as vivacious as ever. 身体瘦小的林大夫,虽然已过了退休年龄,可是她和过去一样,仍精力充沛。
Run salon of family of a diminutive, host needs to undertaking complete preparation beforehand. 举办一个小型的家庭沙龙,主人需在事先进行周详的预备。
The diminutive figure of Arundhati Roy strode into the Supreme Court surrounded by dozens of her supporters. 身材娇小的著名小说作家阿兰达蒂·罗伊在众多支持者的簇拥下大步走进最高法院。
The needlelike leaves of the giant redwood tree are diminutive, each scarcely a quarter of an inch long. 巨大的红木有着很小的针叶,每片长度不足四分之一英寸。
Diminutive Australian orchid with loose racemes of fragrant white flowers with purple and orange markings on the lip. 澳大利亚的小形兰花,花白色,唇瓣上有紫色和橙色斑纹,总状花序疏松。
Mr Tata said he had once viewed the US, with its exacting consumers and obsession with large cars, as unsuitable for the diminutive nano. 拉坦塔塔说,他曾经认为,美国挑剔的消费者和对大型车的迷恋并不适合小型车nano的发展。
Research on Effect of Sports Prescription for Lengthening Short Children; He was a diminutive commander. 矮身材儿童身高助长运动处方的探索他是一位身材矮小的司令官。
Problems existing in medium-sized and diminutive family enterprises were analyzed, it is a chronic illness in these enterprises that familiars are only used as managers. 分析了中小型家族企业的问题,任人唯亲是家族企业存在的一个痼疾。
She looked up at me I am a great deal taller than that and stamped one diminutive foot. 看到了吧,应急按钮她仰望着我,抬起她娇小的脚跺了一下。
Zoologist Roy McDiarmid, curator of amphibians and reptiles at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, said he has seen a specimen of the diminutive creature. 华盛顿史密森国家自然历史博物馆的两栖动物和爬行动物馆长,动物学家罗伊麦克迪阿迈德说,他已经看到这种小型动物的标本。
The diminutive star of Breakfast at Tiffany's was chosen by beauty and fashion editors, make-up artists, model agencies and photographers. 这个影片《第凡内早餐》中的小角色被美容和时尚编辑、化妆大师、模特经纪人和摄影师们选中。
I don't expect you with your diminutive brain to understand what I mean! 我不指望你那特别小的脑袋能懂得我的意思。
The group's diminutive founder, Jack Ma, smiles that business is "pretty good". 阿里巴巴集团的创立者马云,五短身材,笑言生意“还不错”。