They realized there would be difficulties in discrediting the evidence. 他们意识到要揭穿这个证据困难重重。
But what is perhaps important is what the crisis has done globally: by discrediting the more mythical idealisations of the market, it has encouraged the restoration of state power as a goal in itself. 但重要的可能是金融危机在全球造成的后果:它让那些神乎其神的、把市场理想化的理论名誉扫地,从根本上促使人们把恢复国家的力量做为一项目标。
The discrediting of the technocratic elites and of EU institutions would leave a space for populist politicians to exploit. 技术官僚精英和欧盟(eu)机构的失信,将给民粹主义政客带来可乘之机。
But the discrediting of the global reserve asset would have ramifications all around the world financial and political. 但全球储备资产可信度的丧失,在世界各地都会产生金融和政治影响。
Electrode readings of activity in brain regions linked to voluntary behavior in a control group ( red) and people who read a passage discrediting free will ( blue). 一项测试证明,当人们读到怀疑自由的文章时,他们脑中与自愿行为相关的区域活动会立即降低。
In the case of the Watergate break-in, it led to the discrediting and downfall of Richard Nixon, the President of the most powerful nation on earth, the US. 水门事件导致尼克松名誉扫地,让世界上最有权力的美国总统惨淡下台。
They say that she's discrediting the name of the city. 他们说她败坏了这个城市的名声。
The 1980s also saw the discrediting of protectionist populists in the largest countries of Latin America. 上世纪80年代还见证了拉美大国民粹主义贸易保护论者的声誉扫地。
This has to do with discrediting the generai. 他们用这办法打击将军。
It has also led to the discrediting of mainstream macroeconomics. 它还使得人们对主流宏观经济学产生了怀疑。
I think the games of discrediting our beloved Nantah are still going on such as the Sunday Times'report. 我想,像海峡星期刊那样破坏南大名誉的勾当还在进行着。
Extortion of money by threats to divulge discrediting information. 用威胁散布诋毁他人的信息来获取钱财。